is so much discussion today about the awakening of a new feminine
frequency world and creation of a feminine energy dominated economy of empowered women making it easy to
conclude that the male energy within us and within the planet is being
diminished or is no longer serving humanity. It is easy to believe that we are completely moving from a male dominated, patriarchal culture to a
female dominated, matriarchal society. Peace instead of war, diplomacy
and cooperation instead of competition and clashes. While much of this
is unfolding in our world as we move into the higher more
love dominated frequencies of the 4th-5th dimensions, it is helpful
to realize what is happening energetically.
It's true that women are one of the fastest growing demographics
financially simply because women were 'missing' so completely from the
radar for so long. It is also true that women are showing up more empowered, more confident and manifesting that energy into the world in the form of entrepreneurship and new corporate vision. However, I assure you male dominated energy still has a very
big role to play in our evolution and our world. As a matter of fact,
without the masculine energy there would no power for the women to step
into and own!
The Dalai Lama spoke his now famous quote ["the world will be saved by the Western woman"] at the Vancouver Peace Summit
where he was surrounded on stage by amazing women leaders, 3 Nobel
Peace Laureates, a beloved female country President and other women
making extraordinary contributions. All Western women. The Dalai Lama
believes that women, with their nurturing instinct, are naturally more
compassionate. If wars are a fact of life, then wouldn't it
be better if women were in charge? Since according to the Dalai Lama, they are
more likely to empathize with those who suffer during conflicts. Makes
complete sense. And does not point to a world
minus the leadership or contibution of men.
Women are not
taking over the running of the world. Male run governments and businesses are not
bound for extinction. It is true the contributions that women make in
key areas in our culture is expanding and will continue to expand. The focus here is balance, cooperation and harmony. Much of the world will
continue to be run by men while women come into new positions of
leadership alongside them. Women will absolutely be showing up influencing and making
more policy and actively influencing international and domestic
decisions. As women strengthen for the new tasks ahead, the men will
soften and blossom into gentler versions of themselves that balance the
more dominant energy.
What we are moving toward is balance, a new balance. Yin/Yang. We are always moving toward balance, in every moment, every day.
without exception comes from, exists in and returns it's components always to perfect
balance. It just may not look that way in a given moment. If the
pendulum swings to far to one side, it swings back equally to the other
until it comes to rest, in balance, in the middle. But overarching all of it, the highest perspective, is always balance.
Yin Yang theory is the premise that all of life stems from this point of perfect balance.
On either side of that balance you have the left and the right, up and
down, night and day, female and male, the negative and the positive,
etc. Women's energy is more Yin (receptive is their primary energy
trait, this is also loving, compassionate, nurturing). Mens energy is
more Yang (creative, pushing/striving, contribution). Yin energy moves
from the outside in towards the self. Yang energy moves from the self
outward in direct, goal oriented ways.
BOTH types of energies are necessary to create a healthy culture,
balanced society and loving world that nourishes all. Without the
receptivity to new ideas, new things would not be allowed to come into
being. Without the creativity and drive, new things would not be
created. We need both, the Yin AND the Yang to have a whole. Source
(that which we are and everything comes from) is whole and a perfect
balance of feminine AND masculine energies.
this time, men are being led to and asked to be more
compassionate, connect with their heart more, listen better and be more
receptive to others ideas (YIN) instead of charging ahead and plowing forward
with regard to little else. The same centuries that have
repressed the male energy in women have repressed the feminine energy in
men. In both, men and women, it is the blending, harmonizing and
balancing of BOTH aspects of the whole that is being called forth at this time. What is happening now is an awakening of
the YANG energy (masculine) in feminine and the awakening of the the YIN
energy (feminine) in the masculine. All
the opportunities for the women to become more Yang, are simultaneously
presenting a perfect opportunity to men to become more Yin by providing
wonderful vehicles for men to discover and embrace more of their
(receptive) energy.
We are all in this together. As one. Each individual is flowing toward their perfect balance of Yin/Yang within. Our
new World will be filled with more love, more Light, more creativity,
more receptivity, more balance in the push-pull dance of Life. It
will be world in which ALL Beings thrive and gender does not play a role
in the amount of Yin energy or Yang energy each flows. A world in which
each Being is free to give their best through expression of their
passion and receive powerfully in return.
Perfect balance.
As Love.
© Amy
Flynn, All rights reserved. Feel free to excerpt as long as you
link to the post and give author credit.
Amy Flynn is a Facilitator of Consciousness, Change and Transformation. Amy
spreads instant joy and channels a higher Source that you can feel in
the loving energy she radiates. Amy will quickly shift you into a higher
vibration of love and joy and move you to awakening and remembering who you
are. Amy's mission is, as she puts it, quite simply "wake up and empower" the world!