Last Thursday, February 8, Oprah aired a whole show on the life transforming movie The Secret with producer Rhonda Byrne, Dr. Michael Beckwith of Agape Spiritual Center, James Arthur Ray - teacher extraordinaire, Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for The Soul fame and the amazing and beautiful Lisa Nichols.
The show covered The Secret and how the Law of Attraction is always working in people's lives whether they know it or not. Most people use the Law of Attraction to create their lives unconsciously and are not happy with the results! They consider themselves 'helpless' and that their lives are something that "happens to them" as they go through each day. Oprah and the The Secret teachers discussed how people can uncover the secret to acting as the architect of their own lives and begin to design the life of their dreams! The hour was very powerful as audience members interacted with the Secret Teachers about their own life issues.
Due to the huge overwhelming positive response to this show, Oprah has invited back Dr. Michael Beckwith and James Arthur Ray for a follow up! Their personal stories are inspirational and the gifts they have to share not to be missed! The show is set to air this Friday, February 16.
James Ray issues a challenge to everyone to join in the adventure and have the time of your life creating your life of abundance!