What type of Game might Life be?
I believe that it is always an expanding practice to question the nature of "what is" and look right into the heart of what we hold as so real and solid to see what is really there. It often leads to great in-sight. It's in this spirit I offer this for your contemplation.
The Game of Life could be a Giant Maze.
Consider that we are 'sourced' into this life by God/The Zero Point Field/All That Is arriving into this existence at a point which I will call the entry to the Maze. We know that when we die we return to a point much like the point at which we entered, or were born, the non-physical. This is not dissimilar to the entry and exit of a maze which are often the same point.
If you have ever walked through a Giant Maze, you know that once you enter you are essentially "lost". You can only perceive your current reality and surroundings, you can not see beyond where you are or see the whole maze. You have limited perception. You can not control the outcome, and the more you intelligently try to control, the more "lost" you are likely to become. It is only by trusting and learning to use your intuition that you find your way out. You walk and walk and walk, taking one route after another, learning along with each step and misstep. One route may progress you forward on your path another may regress you backward on your path. Sound like Life a bit? All step are experiences, all are assimilated and offer potential for growth. Some people are faster maze walkers than others, others take longer and take more steps. But ultimately all reach the destination, back to the point of entry and exit the maze.
A Life experienced?
Maybe too, quite possibly, we walk this Maze as an "outreach" of a greater Consciousness curious to experience multiple experiences simultaneously in order to experience itself go through the process?
Maybe this Maze Walk (Life) is really about the experience of the Process (the Walk) itself and maybe the one ultimately experiencing it isn't who we think it is?
Just maybe.
Finally, if you haven't gone over to check out Bill Harris' The Masters of The Secret Series as described below - please do! The series is packed with interviews that contain a wealth of information you can apply to all areas of your life right now. Bill has interviews available with Joe Vitale, Lisa Nichols, Hale Dwoskin and a recent interview with James Ray which covers everything from Quantum Physics to Shamanism. And your only cost is the time you invest listening, isn't your life worth a bit of time?