Being grateful, deeply grateful for What Is, allows us to step full on into the miracles occurring in each and every moment. We miss these magnificent miracles when we become caught up in our daily matters and the ongoing judgmental chatter in our minds. In the human experience we continually judge. We judge our feelings, we judge what happens as good or bad, we judge our conditions as right or wrong, we judge something as less than or more than, essentially we reactively judge everything we experience. And we are most of the time we are unconscious of doing so.
In order to be truly and deeply grateful for What Is, a shift must occur within our hearts and our consciousness. It's easy to be "grateful" and rattle off a list of gratitudes, but when we turn to look deeper at what we are deeply grateful for, something naturally shifts. We hit "pause" and our hearts just open up to the perfection of What is - we stop liking or disliking or wishing it were otherwise - and we naturally become deeply grateful. When that shift occurs, we experience miracles.
As we become more aware and grow as Beings, "pause" is hit much more quickly and frequently and we enter into the powerful unity with the One Source/God that deep gratitude brings.
Today ...
I am deeply grateful
that I had the opportunity to experience that things go as they will and I got to see
my contraction around the fact they didn't go as I wished they had.
I am deeply grateful that I saw and quickly released this and embraced my Oneness with All
That Is/God/Source stepping into my Magnificent and Powerful True Nature.
I am deeply grateful that I got to learn a valuable lesson about how I try to
control and how I react when I cannot do so today!
So... what are YOU deeply grateful for today? What gift of insight is sitting in front of or alongside you waiting to be lovingly appreciated? It's there, you might just have to turn your perspective on it's head to notice it, but there is a special gift waiting to deeply and lovingly appreciated by you right NOW!
And when you find it... notice the Miracles!
(c) Amy Flynn