"You are the vibrational writers of the script of your life, and everyone else in the Universe is playing the part that you have assigned to them."
--- Abraham (as channeled by Esther Hicks)
--- Werner Erhard
What would We BE if we simply allowed ourselves to BE?
Just BE?
If you had the opportunity to leave one note for yourself - written to the You that would be returning in physical form in some future time - what would you write to yourSelf? What would You want you to know and remember as you once again found yourself on the other side of the "veil of forgetting" of incarnation.
WE are All Knowing, We are All Powerful, We are All Present - We are Wise. We are Infinite Creative Source Energy, yet we forget all this as we are birthed into a form (by our own Conscious choosing) so that we can create, experience our creations, learn, grow and expand. WE are all ONE.
We are the perfect manifestation and creation of OurSelf. We are Creation exploring Its Self in a Space-Time mirror. We are perfection incarnated.
Our lives and We have already turned out. Perfectly.
As We created our Self, We create our Reality, there is no limitation to our Creative Ability and Power. We are infinite and limitless possibility. We bound and define our Creations by our beliefs. To change our experienced reality, we need only to change our beliefs. As we incarnate into physical form we forget the Truth of what we truly are, so that we may experience the Illusion as real. Without believing in the Illusion, we would not desire more and desire expansion. WE are the Leading Edge of Divine Consciousness pushing outward in expansion.
As we wake up from this Self Created Illusory veil of forgetting we remember the Truth of Who and What we are. (This waking up is BEing fully present in the Here, Now always.)
So as you remember, what message would YOU want to leave for YOU the next time around?
In this video essay author and channeler Story Waters powerfully shares what message he would leave to himself:
"You are amazing. You are the creation of yourself. You are that which creates. You are the choice to experience existence – beingness. The only limit to what you can be is your self-belief and your imagination. To be born into this reality is to enter a wonderful, shared illusion that grants you complete free-will in the creation of your own personal reality; this is your creatorship."
Please feel free to download a Magnificent
printable Poster of "700 Words" by Story Waters to hang on your wall! The download is on the upper left column and is a gift from Story to you.