Who are we and how do we create the lives we
want? This question burns in the mind of so many people as they don't
see those things they desire manifesting in their lives. Do we create? Do we
manifest? Do we think things into the physical manifestation?
All excellent questions. These are some of the answers I
received when asking my "Larger Self".
We are vibrational beings and we are beings that choose. We are not beings that think.
We choose with our vibration (how we feel) and we choose
by preference of one vibration over another. This is how we Manifest that which
we desire.
Thoughts are just arising
within our conscious minds... and they always will. We have no control of their
arising or ability to stop their arising. They just arise and pass within the
space that we are. CHOOSING is different than a thought - it has the
power of creation. Choosing to focus upon a thought empowers that
thought and generates a belief. We can choose to focus upon a thought
that shows up in our space or we can choose to focus on something
else! We are beings that experience and feel. Thoughts arise within
the space that we are. Period. If we are Conscious (Awake, Present) we
choose which of these arising thoughts to give power to and which ones not to.
We also can focus on something deliberately (Deliberate
creation/manifestation) This is not a "thought" it is a choice of
conscious mental focusing.
What we normally do with the Present Moment, the
People "look upon the the Present moment as marred by
something that has happened and shouldn't have, or as deficient because of
something that has not happened and should have." ** (ie. trapped in the past
or trapped in the future) This is our Egoic self in action. What is the
alternative to the Egoic mind? Consciousness. Presence. Being Here, Now, Awake and Aware.
** From A New Earth - Awakening to Your True
Purpose by Eckhart Tolle
There is only ONE Being. Everywhere - anywhere.
One Being. Therefore by default, you must be that Being and so is everyone
else. Nothing else really exists.. it is an expressed
illusion. It is a "dream dreamt". We, and all we
see, are a dream of the Divine, of God. We are an extension of Consciousness,
Conscious creative thought. That's all. And that is Everything. As God/Source
is all that there is.. "All That Is". You've heard the phrase... "there is no
one out there" I'm sure. There isn't ... there is only ONE being here.
Really get this, but not with your thinking mind. Feel
this in your Heart, let it resonate in your heart as much as you can. This is
who you are. You are Everything, Everyone
and you are Everywhere. We are individual expressed units of God. Small
versions, if you will, and containing all the Creative ability of God. We are
God Consciousness expressed here in Human form... we are Divine Consciousness.
This is the space of "I Am" .
We are all ONE. One "All That Is"
We are "an experiment" of God, it is God playing here and we are
it. When you read
my "words" and have an experience... it really is God experiencing God.
Isn't that amazing? See here (in this illusion) we all think
that we are separate entities (that is because it is a very good illusion!)
We are not. This is what the human race on the planet (Earth by the way is God
also) is waking up to... this is what is being referred to as the "New Earth".
The "New Earth" is the Earth in which
God (ONE as many) can know it is God and enjoy the diversity of playing with other
aspects of It's [expressed] Self. For millennia God has played here as "many"
(ONE as Many) and played the game of "not recognizing itself" and buying into the illusion of separateness. God Consciousness is now changing
the game. We, the parts of God expressed here
(imagine an infinite number of fingers and God is a Hand) that have always played here not knowing that they were all part
of the same hand, now are "waking up to" the fact that we are just fingers on
One Hand. ONE hand.. yet individual Fingers! How Powerful!
Please allow yourself to be in
the presence of You. Allow yourself to experience
You. (this is what meditation and channeling are useful tools for).
Please allow and accept and love your "created self" - your human self
- for it is a tool. A tool that you so magnificently designed so that
you could come here and play and play and play.
Know that no One knows more than You. You
contain All the Wisdom of Universe, you only need to access it. Awakened
teachers can point and illuminate, this is all.
Trust your Heart . ..your Heart is your direct
link To All that You Are ... to All That Is... To God...To
You. Know that time is a construct .. it does not exist. Know that
all has already turned out. Past and Future are mental constructs useful to the
tools for Human Beings while experiencing this Consciously chosen Earth
experience. All is always perfect.
your choices well, choose that which makes you feel Joyful, happy and
fulfilled. What you choose will form the
basis of your belief system as you choose it repeatedly. Your choices always shows up for you to experience.
You have the ultimate power in
creating your life. It's in your choosing. And choosing to Feel Joyful and Happy!
(c) 2008 Amy Flynn
All writings here are copyrighted. Reprint or use by written permission only. Contact me amy(at)allabout-energy.com. You may freely link to the posts.