You are perfect and you contain the whole within you, you are everything right here right now.
You are unlimited. You are not just human being. You are so much more and yet you are human being also.
We are all creators, actually we are the
Creator. Expressed here as infinite possibility and infinite diversity. Diversity as
One. One as Diversity. Everything we create is perfect, it is only our human egoic judgment that
makes us see it not as perfect. All creation is perfect and all creation is experienced by our Divine selves as
joyful! Joy is the only experience known by the Divine. Being in your Joy is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself and the world.
As always I invite you to read and to watch/listen and take what resonates with your heart and leave the rest.
The first is a transcribed channel on how everything happens when it is supposed to, inline with perfect Divine timing from Bashar as channeled by Darryl Anka. This channel exposes the origin of a disempowering belief and it's subsequent effect on our lives.
The second is a powerful video on why the Law of Attraction doesn't always feel like it's working by my friend Story Waters of . Story speaks about the choice being made right now on our planet between ease and struggle. Please if you haven't already done so, view Story's Powerful 700 Words video right here.
Bashar on Trusting your Timing
We, as our Higher Self (Over-Soul) actually creates Time (as we experience it). Our Higher Self exists outside Time and Space. It projects portions of itself into specific time/space holograms (time/space matrixes), which we then experience as an incarnation. So,from the point of view of any one incarnation, there is time, there is "past, present, and future". But from the point of view of the Higher Self, there is no Time. It's all happening NOW. It's just one big Eternal-NOW. So keep in mind that our Higher Self is creating the actual "time" that we are experiencing in a linear fashion.
When we intensely want to do something now, and it is easily possible to do it, no problem. We just do it.
But if we intensely want to do something now, and it is NOT possible to do it NOW, we are then at a critical decision-junction:
We can choose to interpret this as "I am not
getting what I want."
Or,we can choose to interpret this as "I always get
what I want. If it's not available now, then there must be an excellent
reason for this."
Which of these choices we make is critical in determining the outcome,as this choice is equivalent to selecting a BELIEF, and we then experience the outcome aligned with that belief.
If you
choose to interpret the situation as:
"I am not getting what I
want.", then, sure enough, you will continue to not get what you
But the alternative is this:
Choose to interpret this situation
(of not being able to do what you want to do NOW) as:
"I always get what I
"I always get what I want. If it's not available now, there must be
an excellent reason for this."
You see, often our Higher Self
"arranges" time in such a way that we do not get what we want when we
initially want it, only because it wants us to first accumulate certain
experiences, certain skills, certain appreciations, certain connections with
other people, certain awarenesses - FIRST! So that when we do get to
experience this thing we want, we will then be appreciating it and enjoying
it on a much deeper
and more profound level.
So when you want to do something and it is not immediately available, REMEMBER:
Your Higher Self is merely delaying this experience, so you get some other experiences first, so that you may enjoy and appreciate this thing you want EVEN MORE, when you do get it.
So when you want to do something and it is not immediately available, TRUST YOUR TIMING.
Do not buy into the belief that "I do not get what I want."
Instead, remind yourself:
"I always get what I
"I always get what I want. If it's not available now, then my
Self must have some experiences it wishes me to have first, so
when I do get what I want, I'll be able to enjoy it even more. I'll
able to enjoy it on a much richer, deeper basis."
2005-2008 Darryl Anka
Story Waters on The Law Of Attraction and You.
In closing from Abraham as channeled by Esther Hicks:
"You will never cease to be; new desires will be constantly born within you. Source will never stop answering your desires, and your expansion is, therefore, eternal. And so, you may begin to relax if, in this moment, there is something you desire that has not yet come to fruition.:
So you see.. all is perfect. All is well and yes, as Abraham always says .... Well Being abounds!
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