As we all know where we desire to be, where all the magic happens and we powerfully create our lives, is in the Now - the present moment. Many of us also have difficulty quieting our minds and being just Present - here - now.
This weekend I discovered this amazing 1 minute video online the other day and watched in awe and yes, full presence, as it unfolded before me. It is a demonstration of an amazing creative process unfolding and it all happens so fast there is little time for the "mental commentary" to take over. Sure you may notice an attempt or two by the commentary, but you will be pulled back present to keep up with the creation appearing before your eyes. And you will be filled with awe.
So without further adieu, I offer for your viewing pleasure and as a tool to quiet your mind chatter, an artistic birth in Less Than 1 Minute - The 1 Minute Painting. Simply amazing.
Enjoy Being Present.
What a fabulous example of being in the NOW and trusting the process. I loved watching it unfold into the awesome painting it became. That's what we're like, unfolding in the NOW aways into our true beauty and joy.
Posted by: Jan M--The Everyday Joy Coach | 2008.05.28 at 06:54 PM