In The Voice of
Knowledge, don Miguel Ruiz reminds us of a profound and simple
truth: The only way to end our emotional suffering and restore our joy in living
is to stop believing in lies, mainly about ourselves. Before we learn to speak,
our true nature is to love and be happy, to explore and enjoy life. As little
children, we are completely authentic. Our actions are guided by instinct and
emotions, we listen to the silent "voice of our integrity". Once we learn to
speak, the people around us hook our attention and program us with knowledge.
The "voice of knowledge" comes alive inside our head, and what is that voice
telling us? Mostly lies. That voice never stops talking, judging, gossiping, and
abusing us. It constantly sabotages our happiness and keeps us from enjoying a
reality of truth and love.
Below in Words. How Are You Using Yours? we looked at how we use our words as poison against ourselves and
against others. Words come from the Voice of Knowledge inside our head, what we
have learned in our lives and now accept as truth. The truth is, it is not. It
is a story we created based upon the knowledge we accumulated and assimilated.
We make up a story about ourselves in relation to the world and others; and we
also make stories about others and how they relate to us and to the rest of the
world. And then we believe our stories. This is as absurd as a master
screenwriter or scriptwriter creating a masterful script or screenplay and then
insisting that his creation is the truth, is reality.
Reflect back to your earliest memories of
childhood. You didn't have a story to define yourself then. You were what
is known as authentic, expressing from your heart and your authentic curiosity
and enthusiasm for life. There was a zest for life and a joy unparalled as you
dove into each moment. Then you learned, from your parents, your teachers,
your cultural and religious leaders, commercials on television and what you
learned was that you were not ok unless you did this, or you could do this
better, or that this way was the better way, or that you needed to wear these
clothes to be perfect and on and on. What conclusions do we make? That we are
not good enough, that we must scurry about trying to fix ourselves.
Your emotions, happy or unhappy are your reactions
to the role that you are playing in the story of
your life. Your emotions are your guide to what type of story you are creating
and believing. We need to stop believing all these lies we accumulated in our
heads over time. These lies now are our beliefs and comprise the foundation of
our lives. Lies. We created our lives based upon beliefs that are lies. And
then we act within our stories as if they are the truth. Can you see the
absurdity of this? Can you see how we can never be happy this way? How can we
be happy when the first and fundamental "truth" we accepted and learned was that
we are not good enough? We can't. We must stop believing the voice in our
head. That "Voice of Knowledge". That voice is masterful at judging us and
others, categorizing us and others and abusing ourselves and others. Can you see
how you and everyone does this?
The interesting part is that we create the
others around us, as secondary characters in our stories. We truly have no clue
who they are! That's why two people seeing and experiencing the same thing
will never experience or perceive the experience the same way. Two different
stories. Do you realize that others have created stories in which you are their
secondary character? You have no idea how you are "defined" in their story.
You might believe yourself to be something or one way, yet their story creates
you as something completely different! This is why it is so critical to not
take anything personally. Do you see how futile anything but clearing up your
own story is futile? Your only mission in life is to make yourself happy. The
only way you can do this is to create a story that makes you happy. How do you
know if your story is one that is making you happy? How are you feeling? Your emotions are your
don Miguel Ruiz sounds much like Esther and Abraham when he speaks of
the power of emotions and how to use them to guide you back to your authentic
self. The truth of you. Truth is universal. There is only one truth of who we
really are. We are not what we think we are. We have thought what we are, and
what we have thought up to this moment is a story.
You need to pay attention to how you talk to yourself. When you speak to
and treat yourself with love and respect you will treat everyone else with love
and respect naturally. This sounds easy. However if we consider from the time
we learned our first words, we were told what we could not do or that our way
was not the best way, or we could be better, or we must have this thing to be
"ok" - it is task we must be relentless in pursuing.
The goal and result of
such pursuit is returning to the state of naturalness, the state of blissful
beingness - just being a wondrous being here in love with all we see and
experience like we were when we arrived here. The state of a child. Children
don't yet have the Voice of Knowledge in their heads, they are clear, they are
at "Zero". Mantras like the Ho'oponopono "I love you, I'm sorry, please
forgive me, thank you" when repeated over and over, take the place of the
incessant judge inside our heads. We can find peace for moments and clarity.
As we do, joy - our natural state - surfaces on it's own.
So today... listen to how you talk to yourself. Listen to what that voice
is telling you moment to moment. And find joy. Seek it out. The inner voice
can't be judging and negative when you are joyful. How to be joyful. Do
something childlike, be silly. Imagine you are four and BE FOUR for a few
minutes, just free, just exploring, just feeling joyful and delighted with
whatever comes into your space. Loving all.
Abraham Hicks on The Astonishing Power of Emotions
- Esther and Jerry Hicks
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