It seems that, in an attempt to clear out spammers, has erased large percentages of people's Followers and Followees (also known as friends). This is extremely traumatic to the community of TwitAddicts who mercilessly work their fingers to the bone typing on their computers and into their mobile phones tweeting with one another about major earth shattering nothings. Suddenly they are alone! Or nearly alone! Or missing a good part of their audience! Bob Doyle of the Secret, who just launched the Exciting Boundless Living Challenge lost everything! He was taken down to zero Followers and zero Followees! What a Twittrastrophe!
What happened? Well, we the Twitteratti have yet to figure it out and has been mum about this, except to say that they goofed and will be restoring lost connections.
We all hope so Twitter! Those are our Tweeples!
If you have NO idea what I am talking about or this funny language I am using you are missing out on the hottest trend right now in Social Media Marketing and Internet Marketing. Twitter! Even as I type this Rick Butts (@Rick_Butts on Twitter) has just launched the Twitter Squeeze (Wednesday night) which promises to be the hottest new Squeeze trend since the profitable Name Squeeze page was launched several years back.
Get up to date on the TwitLanguage and the nuances of winning with Twitter with the Free Twitter Handbook at and be sure to catch the live extremely educational TwitCast every Friday on Blog Radio over at with Warren Whitlock and Coach Deb Micek. (@WarrenWhitlock and @CoachDeb respectively on Twitter)
On Twitter you'll meet and mingle with highly successful underground marketers like Mark Ress, the King Of Virtual Real Estate (@MarkRess on Twitter) who is sharing his secrets in a big way! Learn the latest way to monetize on the web with Mark who is always coming up with innovative ways to share his knowledge. Have you ever experienced an Internet Marketing Q & A session Salsa jam complete with spinning disco ball? I didn't think so!
Get to know the man behind the Portable Empire, Pat O'Bryan (@PatOBryan) and follow his creative process! Always creating products alone or with Joe Vitale (@MrFire), of Secret fame, just following Pat is a valuable learning process. You will surprised at who you may get to meet through Pat, follow him and find out!
Of course, most importantly if you aren't already on Twitter, get on! Big things are happening on Twitter right now. Connect, build relationships, find new joint venture partners, learn new things and expand your current reach easily.
Of course, please be sure to follow me at .
Now back to searching for my lost Tweeples... what did I do with that search light?
** To find the Twitter pages of the Tweeple I listed above, simply replace the "@" with "" and then follow with the user name.