This is wonderful! For it means that you are neither this or that, you are this AND that. You, as what you really are, are pure possibility. The possibility of anything. You can truly be, do or have anything - the only thing stopping you is what you believe; what you have been taught to believe consciously and what you have been programmed to believe unconsciously. So right now, as of this moment, take a stand to start believing that ANYTHING is possible - because it is.
By: Marilyn Schwader
The life of a holy person '
a mystic or saint ' is a lesson in ending the control of the parasitic mind and
accessing the spirit within. No matter the belief system ' Christianity,
Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, or any other spiritual path ' the best-known
mystics of each cosmology are said to be in a continuous dialogue with the
essence of spirit, living in what some refer to as "non-ordinary reality" '
they are open to perceive much more than what they are observing through
their eyes. They have traveled the spiritual path to attain a level of
consciousness and clarity that is uncommon. That path is not easy, but no
matter what they encounter along the way, none of them have ever desired to
return to their previous level of consciousness.
If you study their
lives, each one of these mystics encountered their parasitic minds (awareness), exposed the illusion of their parasitic mind's creation (understanding), and
changed how they were in the world (reconditioning), resulting in a higher
level of consciousness in which they transformed their lives.
You have
the same ability as any of these mystics. Like them, you have the power to
control your parasitic mind, canceling unsupportive thoughts and embracing
self-empowering thoughts. All of what we have been talking about so far
leads to one simple reality: You can choose consciousness.
So, if you can
choose consciousness and it takes less energy to have positive thoughts than
negative, why would you want to be focused on the negative aspects of life
or anything that detracts from being conscious? If you are aware and
understand the illusion you have been creating, and still aren't having the
results you want for your life, mostly likely the parasitic mind is still in
control. This is because being unconscious is a habit. To stay conscious,
you have to continually exercise new habits.
As you question the mind and
are able to free your energy from fear, you will see incredible changes.
Your health will improve, you can resist illness, you can heal yourself.
When you are inspired and enthused, every moment becomes a wonderful
experience. The more you question the parasitic mind and remain open, the more
the energy flow builds. Eventually that energy will start to pour out of
you, your skin, radiating out of your heart and all your other
energy centers. You start to see the change when you walk into a room and other
people notice something different about you. You are feeding them your flow
of energy. You are a source of light for those around you; you are becoming
the change you want to see in the world.
You don't have to wait another
moment to decide that your life would be better if you choose to adopt new thinking. Take back control. Become the leader of your consciousness. You no
longer have to listen he parasitic mind. Create new thoughts to replace
the stories the parasitic mind has tricked you into believing.
facing your fears, developing awareness, questioning the parasitic mind, and
creating new habits to replace the old, you will learn to stay open to all
that life has to offer. Once you realize there is nothing worth closing your
heart for, you will stay in the flow of love, joy, and
What is Self Evolution?
According to Carl Jung, we are undergoing the “continuing incarnation of the Self”. This Self is seen as the essential aspect of our being that is directly animated by Source, by Spirit. It is the localized, individualized aspect of the Process of Creation, the God-force, and the Impulse of Evolution. This Self has been in the past often projected onto gods and ascended beings.
Now, as the human species slowly matures, this Self is incarnating as our own essence, our own incarnation of spirit, our own individual expression of the divine. As this process continues, we integrate this higher or essential self within our body/minds until we become whole beings.
Self-evolution, then, is the process of becoming a co-creator with the impulse of creation itself. The maturation of our species finds its expression in each of us unfolding the divine within.
Eventually, as envisioned and expressed by Sri Aurobindo, we can expect to evolve from the mental phase of understanding to the supramental, which is a state of direct awareness from the consciousness force within us. When this happens, universal intelligence descends so fully into our body/minds that we become direct expressions of the Consciousness that is creating us.
Dream on... and Be Dreamed.
I invite you to allow this video to take over all of your senses and open your heart so you feel the love pouring out of you. And just be. Enjoy the peace and joy of just being.
(c) 2008 Amy Flynn
All writings here are copyrighted. Reprint or use by written permission only. Contact me amy(at) You may freely link to the posts or give out a
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