It is refreshing, and inspiring, to hear of a man with all the wealth in the world who still believes that happiness lies not with riches but within yourself.
You, too, may become immensely happier by integrating some of the following wisdom into your own life.
Secret #1: Happiness comes from within.
If you do what you love and love what you do, you’ll naturally be productive.
Secret #2: Find happiness in simple pleasures.
You can also learn to be happy with the simple pleasures of playing cards with friends, playing with your children or taking a walk in the wilderness.
Secret #3: Live a simple life.
Keeping up with the Joneses is the worst epidemic among those who should never contemplate that notion in the first place. Less is more.
Secret #4: Think Simply.
If you apply this rule in your life, you can develop clarity and sanity in your thoughts. Life is about simple yet profound choices.
Secret #5: Invest Simply.
Often, the simplest route will bring you the most riches, and the most happiness.
Secret #6: Have a mentor in life.
Having a mentor is as important as having a purpose in your life, but having a wrong mentor is as devastating as having a wrong purpose in your life. The mentor has to be someone you can trust. You’ll find that person in your inner circle if you think hard enough.
Secret #7: Making money isn’t the backbone of your guiding purpose; making money is the by-product of your guiding purpose.
Money should never become the object and end all of your motivation.
(c) 2008 Amy Flynn
All writings here are copyrighted. Reprint or use by written permission only. Contact me am[email protected]. However you may freely link to the posts or give out a
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