You are the energy flowing through the body, you can feel yourself in the body. Become very aware of and feel your feet touching the floor. Feel the floor pressing up against your feet. Find yourself in your body. Feel your hands and squeeze your fingers together several times, touching the first finger to the thumb on one or both hands. Take some deep abdominal breaths and allow yourself to feel the air flowing into your lungs and expanding the lungs and abdominal area. Tell the part having the fearful thoughts ... thank you for sharing, all is fine. Continue to focus on the words all is fine and well. Feel the feeling of being loved and cared for (you need only to accept that you are). Look around and find something that makes you smile. Spend a few moments looking at that or remembering a memory that made you joyful and smile. Allow the feeling of the joyful memory to wash over you filling you up, notice the expansive feeling in your chest.
In life, until it becomes a habit, you must come back to the eye. You will find yourself in the 'outer rings' over and over getting smacked by the high winds, rain and debris. Practicing this technique will bring you back to the eye. It can be done anywhere you notice you start to feel tense or worried or stressed.
It is also important to protect your own energy and your space daily. You pick up energy from other people around you. If they are within 3 feet of you or less (think standing in a checkout line or a crowded store) their energy jumps off them and onto you. When there is a lot of heavy negative energy around, you want to put something between that energy and you. Take 1 minute and draw a circle around you with your arm extended. Allow the circle to expand to surround you like a ball. Close your eyes and breathe white light into that circle until you are encapsulated in a bubble of white energy. Say to yourself, that no negativity or negative energies will penetrate your bubble, only positive energies can pass through and reach you. You are protected. Allow yourself to feel that you are safe and protected.
(c) Amy Flynn, All rights reserved. For reprint
permission, please email amy(at)