Just under two years ago I shared about how you could transform your world and your life by doing one simple thing... STOP complaining! I was inspired by Reverend Will Bowen's then fledgling movement to eliminate complaining from the world and transform the world's consciousness from negative to positive. What a revolutionary concept! No more complaining! Sounds simple, right? The support tool? A simple purple braclet!
"Last week, it was my distinct honor to present Dr. Maya Angelou with the 6 millionth Complaint Free bracelet. Dr. Angelou's quotation, "If you don't like something, change it; if you can't change it, change your attitude--don't complain" has been our motto since we began three years ago."
You can view the video of Reverend Will presenting Dr. Angelou with the 6 millionth Complaint Free bracelet here: http://www.acomplaintfreeworld.org/maya-angelou-video.
Your thoughts create your world and your words indicate your thoughts. When you eliminate complaining from your life will you enjoy happier relationships, better health and greater prosperity. This simple program helps you set a trap for your own negativity and redirect your mind towards a more positive and rewarding life. You see there is nothing positive about complaining, it is pure negative energy and vibrations. We all know that what we vibrate and put out, we get more of back. So guess what your life is full of when you are complaining?
What's possible when you eliminate complaining? Everything!
I invite you try it ... change your life for the better right NOW by deciding to give up complaining, criticizing, gossiping and using sarcasm. (I know.. no complaining AND no sarcasm? YES!) A Complaint Free World's program to positively transform the world's consciousness from negative to positive uses the simple tool of a purple bracelet switched from wrist-to-wrist with each complaint. This is done until a person ultimately goes 21 days without complaining and becomes habitually Complaint Free.
Life is so much more elegant, joyful and in-flow when complaining is a thing of the past. Try it yourself... get your own purple bracelet at http://AComplaintFreeWorld.org, put it on and commit to becoming complaint free now!
While you are there, check
out the awesome new web site designed
to inspire no more complaining! There is now a special free widget that can be
downloaded to your computer (no adware, no spyware, no tracking) so a person can
monitor her or his success at becoming Complaint Free as well as receive daily
inspiration about living a Complaint Free Life.
free is the only way to be!
(c) Amy Flynn, All rights reserved. For reprint
permission, please email amy(at)allabout-energy.com.
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