We are here tonight to bring you a message about love. Self Love. it is so important to love yourself. No matter what you see happening in your life or around you. Let it be ok with you and allow yourself to love yourself. Too many of you don't love yourselves, it is truly sad. You are so beautiful and magnificent, and you are not seeing this.
You are such a gift to yourself, the only thing is most of you don't realize this or embrace this. You contain the wisdom that creates worlds within you and yet you don't honor that. You seek information or answers from others outside of yourself .. why? Because you don't love yourself enough. You love others and allow them to be your light, and not yourself. You've got it backwards, The light is within you.. ALL the light that you need is within you and is shining, but you aren't looking at or into it. It is time you did. You must practice bringing your attention back into yourself. And by this we do not mean your mind. We mean your body and the center of you.
Imagine a vast space existing in your center, your core and imagine it is infinite. Like the outer space that you see when you look upward at the sky, imagine the same within you. NO limit, no boundaries, infinite and containing all. It is there. And within this space are answers to all the questions you can ask. But you must align yourself with this inner space. How? By loving yourself.
The vibration of this inner space is that of Love and Joy. When you are aligned with it and allowing it you feel as if a young child is enthusiastically and joyfully jumping about inside of your center. You feel the joy of a child inside you, the pure love of a child, the enthusiasm of a child and the appreciation of all things and all beings like a small child appreciates. This is you. You are that vibration, that energy. You've just covered it up with a grumpy old overcoat called human being all grown up named (your name). You aren't the grumpy overcoat. You are the radiant being inside you. That being is aligned with all that is and knows the answers to any question you ask. It knows the right path to take in difficult times and it knows the choices that are for your highest good. Get to know this radiant infinite child being inside of you. Love yourself.
A good practice to align with this inner being is to be in the energy and vibration of joy. Gratitude .. real gratitude, not just merely giving lip service and saying the words .. but real gratitude as a feeling in your heart and belly for what and who is in your life now will lead you to a feeling of deep inner joy. That type of gratitude is called Profound gratitude because it is. You will also feel a deep expansion and opening in your heart center - you will feel a warmth glowing there. Focus on that feeling and consciously expand upon it. Get into it, see the color of it... enjoy it. There is that joy again! There is no possibility of not feeling joy when you express profound gratitude. IF you are expressing gratitude and NOT feeling joy, you are expressing superficial gratitude and you need to go back after a pause and really focus that gratitude. Profound gratitude felt for one or two things is worth infinitely more than superficial gratitude for a list of things. Try this.. see what you feel.
When you feel your inner joy and love expanding in your heart center, focus inward...focus inside on you. Allow that warm love and boundless joy to shine back into you. This is how you develop your self love muscle. You are giving to yourself. Just practicing superficial self love will not do a thing. It won't stick. It won't elevate your vibration or heal you. Deep profound self love will.
We invite you to practice this every day , every morning before you begin your day or at night before you go to sleep, whichever is most suited to you You can also add some self love/profound gratitude time during the middle of your day. You can not do too much!
We wish you well in Love and Joy!
© Amy Flynn and The Collective, All rights reserved. For reprint permission, please email amy(at)allabout-energy.com. You may excerpt as long as you link to the post