Change begins with unconditional acceptance of what is as perfect. That includes your body. Are you ready to love yourself?
You will discover that as you come into joy and appreciation of what you have already created, things will start to change without much effort. When you get into this place of appreciation, you can also sit down with your heart source and say, "I have decided to play a different game, and I am ready to play a game that does not include this pattern anymore. I would like to play a game with (this) pattern." It is important that you do it moving from joy to joy, not from anguish, not from frustration, and not from fear. The truth is that from a soul level, you are enjoying every moment of what you label as pain.
~ Amma ~
Everything that is begins as focused Energy first - Actually create your ideal body energetically and then step into it and watch with delight as the physical takes on the characteristics of the Energy model.
All it takes is Willingness, Love and Belief.
What if you could create a New You on March 24 ?
All that's needed are your desire and your willingness...
© Amy Flynn, All rights reserved. For reprint permission, please email amy (at) Feel free to excerpt as long as you link to the post.