Celebrate Your Invisible Wealth! Your money in abundance is already here. Right next to you.
It's just
invisible. You just can't see it or access it yet! It 'lives' in a different
frequency than you. Just like a radio, you are at one frequency, tuned into
that number and the money is at another frequency tuned into another number.
Both are in the same radio, both are riding the same airwaves, both are in the
same room, but when you are tuned into your normal frequency, you can't hear the
"money music" that is up the dial! But it's there! So by ACTING AS IF, we
change our own frequency, moving it up the dial until we arrive at the same
frequency as the money and then.... the abundance is your reality!
A major key to the having of something is acting AS IF it's already your before you actually see it. It's the BEING and
the DOING parts. Let's look at a simple example of being a working actor. In
other words, if you want to be an actor and work in film, you have to BE and DO
as an actor would before you actually realize the HAVING of the acting job.
So you would ask yourself the questions: how does an actor BE? How does
he/she act? How does he/she dress? Who does she "schmooze" with? Where is he
likely to be seen? And you BE all of those. Dress the part, spruce up your
look. An actor would have professional head shots and maybe a model card,
so make the appointments with the photographer and get them. Talk about the
things an actor talks about (not what a wannabe actress talks about, but a
working actress). Where does she go to hang out? Likely with others in her
profession and in places where it is beneficial to be "seen". Who would he
know? The casting directors, producers, directors and of course other key
actors in the area; get to knowing and befriending these people, after all, you
are a successful actor. Who does she schmooze with and where? Go to the events
that are key and socialize with the people that a successful actor would
schmooze with, be seen with the "right" people.
So here we've been working the two steps of BEing and DOing, and when we've
done them successfully WE feel and we VIBRATE the part, like a
successful actor. Suddenly we'll notice that the HAVEing just happened by
itself. Opportunities came to you and you knew to take them, you were in the
flow. Now you notice that you HAVE the life of an actor, the roles, the
auditions, the castings, the celebrity friends and right contacts, the invites
to exclusive events and parties are a part of your daily life. Simple!
With wealth and money we need to do the same thing. We need to act AS IF we are
wealthy and the money is right here! So we need to ask the questions, how would
we BE if the money was here? How does a person with money BE? HAPPY
and Joyful! What would we be DOing if the money was here? Planning
places to visit, new restaurant to try, things to buy, perhaps taking flying
lessons, paying all those bills. We'd be relaxed and excited about the spa day
we just booked for ourselves, or the Championship game tickets we'd just
bought. Our spirit would be one of celebration and joy. BEing and
really feeling the joy and celebration of having the money.
BEing utterly grateful for all the wonderful things in our life. Now let's DO as someone who had ALL our money would do, if we had the money in
our bank account we would be considering how we are going to spend or invest it,
right? So we are checking out vacation spots online and scheduling trips,
marking off dates on our calendars, picking out day spas, planning the boating
trips or cruise, investigating potential investments to discover what is good to
invest in right now. We are going through magazines and the internet looking at
the car we always wanted and picking out the colors, the extras and going over
every detail. We are DOing while BEing the person with all our money!
If we are doing this sincerely, acting AS IF we have the money, celebrating
all the money that is right there with us and not
noticing it isn't in our account and not continually asking
"when's my money going to show up?" or "where's my money?", we will notice a
flow will begin. Inspiration will lead us to opportunities and choices that put
us in position for money coming to us. Money or gifts (free things! I am HUGE
at attracting free things!) will just seem to flow to us. Out of the blue,
someone will call up wanting our services, new money making opportunities will
be coming our way. Money will start to flow from all sources. Someone who's
owed us money contacts us suddenly to pay off the debt and asks where to send
the money. Now we have to engage with these (More ACTION) and act upon the
opportunities and receive the money. Acting upon these is DOing also. We
respond joyously to what shows up, dance with it and allow it to serve us. If we dance with it and engage with it, it results in money
flowing in. When we look around we notice that we are HAVING a wealthy life.
Simple, right? Give it a try!
© Amy Flynn, All
rights reserved. For reprint permission, please email amy(at)allabout-energy.com. You may excerpt as long as you
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thank you!
Posted by: janine | 2010.05.03 at 07:09 PM