Tuesday, June 15 I joined Moon Moo and You's Kate and Joan to share about the current situation in the Gulf and facilitate sending healing to our beloved Earth. She has a wound underneath the Gulf that is still pouring out oil adding to the load in already present in the waters. The Earth is a living conscious Being, not an inert piece of rock and she can heal herself. We have been pouring lots of negative energy, anger and frustration into the situation in the Gulf - this energy does not empower or encourage the Earth to heal. For more on this see: this post.
On this special show we lovingly connected Heart to Heart with the Earth's molten crystal heart at her core and allowed pink Love energy to stream from our own hearts to the Earth's heart empowering her to heal with Love. We experienced Love flowing right back to us from the heart of the Earth to our own hearts in one endless connection. This was not a one way healing, there was definitely Love streaming from the heart of the Earth to all of us too.
The process flowed forth even more beautifully than anticipated and you can listen to the whole hour long show at http://MoonMooYou.com . In addition, I re-recorded the Love healing process and have placed it here so that anyone who wants to tap into this magical connection can and as often as they like.
Right click and save to download to your computer OR Left click to listen online in another window.Download ~EarthEnergyHealingHeart2Heart.mp3 (3754.7K)
To Love, with Love.
© Amy Flynn, All rights reserved. For reprint permission, please email amy(at)allabout-energy.com. Feel free to excerpt as long as you link to the post.