One message. Two Source Channels. The Crystalline Grid. Living Love.
This is a unique and special teleseminar on the Crystalline Grid and how it is affecting you, your living experience and the planet right now.
The two Source collectives will share why now is a very special time for humankind and the planet Earth and the beginning of a new way of co-creating our world. We are right now together manifesting the world we've always dreamed of. Sometimes the changes and this new energy can feel 'uncomfortable' because it's new and unfamiliar, the Source collectives will show you how to deal with and use any discomfort to further elevate your consciousness.
This call promises to be a wondrous and powerfully expansive experience. The Collective will lead us through an experiential process where we will experience the power of unified intention transmitted through the Crystalline grid. Imagine manifestation at the speed of light!
"This grid is activated by consciousness, human consciousness. It is a grid of Light consciousness. Once activated, you will experience that you are connected and one with all life energy on your planet and life energy beyond your planet. You will experience a remembering of your powers of telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudio, clairsentience and claircognizance. You will find yourself able to travel at the speed of thought in your light filled energy body around your planet and beyond your planet just by intending it to be so.
You are now standing on the threshold a new way of being, you are becoming Living Love. You are becoming fully conscious of being Source expressed into form with the full knowledge of your Divinity while creating in the world of form. It is a very exciting time for Earth and her inhabitants."~The Collective ~
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"We would also like to speak about the interweaving of your conscious mind states with each other. Your consciousnesses (plural) have always been interwoven in the nonphysical state. You experience this in dream-time and in the so-called "collective unconscious" but a big part of your new global awakening is going to be more and more like telepathy than ever before - in other words, that which has been an unconscious connection between you all will become increasingly conscious.
We would like to let people know that the light grid has always been present, that this emergence was a part of your intention in coming here. It is the shift in your collective consciousness that is energizing that grid; like an electric circuit in your house that you never switched on before so you never knew you had it."~ The Twelve ~