What If...
What if my body is already my costume,
My personality is my mask?
What if the real me is patiently waiting
To be fully realized,
Perfectly remembered?
What if I agreed,
Upon entering this realm
Of so many possibilities,
Infinite freedom of choice,
And illusion upon illusion -
What if I decided - of my own free will,
To drink of the waters of forgetfulness
And play the game of physicality
For a season?
What if I was ever so anxious
And wonderfully excited
To attend this costume party
And pretend to be someone else
For a time...
To play with lack and limitation
Illness and degeneration,
All because it was only a game,
A Pain Party,
A temporary experience,
In a third dimensional arena
Called Earth?
What if my body is only
A temporary communication device
Hosting me here for the party
And for the castles in the sand?
What if there is no such thing
As worthiness?
Having to measure up,
Having to do things only
In a certain acceptable way
To please others,
And an invisible God?
And what if I myself am
That invisible God?
~* Author Unknown *~
Enhance Your Connection With Source and you will feel the peace and joy that only comes with complete welcoming of everything without any judgment and knowing that you are always completely taken care of! Connect with the greatness that is You.