The grass always seems greener. Amazing how we human beings live by this. There are examples of it everywhere, in our own lives and in our culture. We covet the "green grass" over there continually. Too often we neglect to celebrate and appreciate what we have, our "grass" and look at the "grass" over there more favorably. Then we get our heads stuck in the fence... ok, well maybe we are a little smarter than the cow. :-)
Instead of looking at the OTHER side of the fence and deciding to move there only to discover once you are there, the grass now looks greener either where you just came from or somewhere new - BE all sides of the fence instead. This is truly what you are anyway... it is just learned limitations that make it seem otherwise. The choice is not to be this or that, to follow this or that - but to BE the space that encompasses ALL of it, all paths.
This is the path of Unity. This is the space of the Heart. This is living as an awakened conscious expression of Source.
The space of the Heart IS Source. Whether you connect inwardly with your Heart and intuitively listen to it's guidance or connect with Source (All That Is appearing to be "outside" of you) you are tapping into the same Love Force and unity consciousness.
People are so quick to grab onto limitations and not realize that is what they are doing. Even things that appear to be of "value" and helpful are removing possibilities from your life. An example of one that is popular lately is the Myers Brigg personality test. Millions of people swear by this test and limit
their choices according to their tests and their "types". By agreeing to label themselves a "type" and operate within the recommendations for this type" they shut the door on so many possibilities that might have been available to them otherwise. How? Because they are no longer looking there. They are "focused". While focus has it's merits.. the evolution of consciousness we are currently is pushing us to EXPAND and widen our vision and see more, remove veils and blinders, not narrow it.
We are being bombarded with an ever growing myriad of "teachings", "ways", "programs" - all professing to be the solution we are seeking. Many of them are wonderful - the only thing that you need to be aware of is that as soon as you choose one, you have eliminated possibilities. The truth is there is NO ONE way that is the best or works for anyone all of the time. We hear about the successes, we don't hear about those who don't succeed. If there are successes, there are non-successes (no one is a failure). Has to be...everything exists in balance... in equal proportions.
You have within you all the resources and the ability to know all that you need to in your life and to live your very best, most powerful, brilliantly lit up life. Your best teacher is not "out there" but "in here" (point to your heart). My commitment to you is always to support you in turning up the volume on your inner voice, sensitizing your intuitive ears to hearing the voice of your Source and higher realm guidance. You will always have you and your connection to Source and All that Is - but you will not always have someone else to lead you.
You are the leader you have been waiting for.
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Energy Alchemy for Japan ~*~ * We are Multidimensional Powerful Expressions of Source and as such we can transmute energy. We can focus our intention on the energy that is still reverberating in and around Japan and TRANSMUTE it to the energy of LOVE and Divine Healing. All it takes is our FOCUS and INTENTION.
FREE Download of the amazing altered state guided journey to the Heart of The Cosmos with The Collective in celebration of the start of the Unity Wave.
© Amy Flynn, All rights reserved. For reprint permission, please email. Feel free to excerpt as long as you link to the original post.