There is a Shift that is very clearly upon us. Everything is changing. The Earth is shaking and the weather is just outright weird. We are currently in the final "wave" of what the Mayan Calendar calls the 9th or Unity Wave. It is the wave that is bringing us "home" to our highest state of Consciousness. Everywhere in our world polarized energies are coming to blows over their differences. We can see this happening all around in our world. We can see it happening in our day to day lives. Consciousness is evolving -- and WE are Consciousness, it is happening within us also. It is not just happening in our world, it is happening within each one of us. If you are here and breathing, this period is likely bringing up things to be cleared from your emotional body, energy to be released as the polarized factions within you clash.
Right now many things may appear to be going "differently" and you might find that there is a lot going on for you to 'react' to and feel "contracted" about. (that tight feeling in your gut). Know that everything that is showing up is showing up to show YOU what energy you are holding on to and to give you the opportunity to release that energy.
I have found myself being much more emotional some days or weeks - a sweet picture or a video will make me tear up and often cry like releasing energy that wants to be released. One moment I will be extremely peaceful regardless of circumstances and the next I'll react strongly to something in front of me. Then the next week I am joyful and nothing is affecting me. As you look at things in your life from the perspective that you as an aspect of Consciousness are evolving and all situations are present to experience emotional energy that no longer serves you so that it may be discharged, rough spots become doorways to freedom. This energy was never a part of you truly, but at some point you attached to it experiencing it as if it were.
In Dialing Into Source (to Create the Life You Desire) The Collective, who are channeled Source Consciousness, lovingly brimg forth profound insights and teachings about who you are, how you got programmed and how that programming runs you (even when you think it's not) and how to step outside of it. Two packed, powerful hours of teaching, sharing and expansion which culminate in an altered state Guided Journey with the Collective into the heart of Source, the heart of You will ensure you embody what you have learned.
The information given by The Collective is incredible. To have a better understanding of who we really are and to be able to integrate that into our lives is evolutionary. Understanding that we are Source and knowing how Source operates is the key to living. ~ N. Howat
The Collective show you how to BE Source in the world and in your life. There is no better guide than Source Consciousness to help navigate the swirling energies and ebbs and flows of the Shift.
Amy Flynn, All rights reserved. For reprint permission, please email. Feel free to excerpt as long as you link to the original post.