Check in with yourself honestly. Right now. Are you holding the energies of panic, "freaked out" or feeling lack (It's missing, where is it? When is it coming?)? If so, it will result in freaky lack showing up, more to freak you out and more evidence to give you the feeling of lack. This freaked out feeling can be around money, a relationship, a job, clients for your business - anything.
Let's look at money. If you allow it to FEEL like lack in your bank account (or around your business) you will EXPERIENCE a continuation of lack in your bank account and business. You must see your bank account (as it is) and KNOW and FEEL EXCITEDLY that money is flowing to you and it is just right outside of your awareness. It is knocking on the door, but you can't hear the knock and haven't opened it yet because you are noticing and feeling in response to it not being there. When you notice it's absence, you can't hear the knock or even see the door to open it!
"You cannot attract the presence of something wanted when predominantly aware of it's absence" .~ Abraham
In truth, if money is happily on it's way to you flowing and paper checks are making their way to you in a long parade... IS the money in your bank account? IF the Universe has lined up for you a series of wonderful happennings that generate money - IS the money in your bank account? IS it your money? IS it coming? Yes and it's as if it's already in your bank account.
It's like when you order something wonderful online. You are excited, it's ordered. You KNOW it's on the way. But it's not there with you, is it? Do you freak out and worry because you don't see evidence of it there? No, you don't freak out because it's not there, you relax and EAGERLY look forward to it's arrival. And sure enough it shows up. It works the exact same with the money. Eagerly look forward to it's arrival and it will arrive. No freaky lack here!
I truly think that people would be much more inclined to do this around money if the Universe issued an order receipt like those issued when we order online. Unfortunately, I am not aware of the Universe having any plans to begin issuing receipts, so it is truly up to us to perceive the receipt issued and eagerly anticipate the arrival of what we have "asked for" by matching our vibraton to its vibration.
So look within and find the eagerness for what has to come your way. Excitedly anticipate it and align with it's presence. Check your thoughts, actions (checking for money, checking for the woman or the man) and vibrations for feelings of doubt, and suspicions it is not coming. And then re-align with the eager playful anticipation.
You TRULY do have to keep that childlike excited anticipation vibration. Like a game. In the Universe, for Source, all IS a game. There is no seriousness, even when WE feel serious or think there is something serious, in Source, it's all "GOODY!" and "YIPPEE!".
To get a big boost up in your vibrational frequency around money and abundance, check out the Multidimensional Money Reiki Healing. It is a powerful session of high dimensional (5th and up) energy aligning you with the vibration and energy of abundance and prosperity - freaky lack is banished for good! Learn more about this very enjoyable Multidimensional Money alignment session.
© Amy Flynn, All rights reserved. For reprint permission, please email amy(at) Feel free to excerpt as long as you link to the post.