Human beings are reaction machines. From the moment we are born we are reacting. We react to the light, the noise and appearing chaos around us when we arrive and continue to react throughout our life. Initially our reactions are basic, we react to hunger with cries and to pain with cries too. We react to familiar scents, sounds, energies with smiles and we eventually learn to assign a name or label to these familiar energies.
As we grow we are also taught to react to things that we ordinarily would not react to. Our original nature is curious, enthusiastic and lively - loving everything wanting to touch, taste and smell everything. We are fearless. As we grow, we are taught to dislike and taught to react in fear to things that others label as dangerous. They could be people, places or things. Our reactive nature is being trained to become even more reactive.
By the time we reach adulthood, we are one big bundle of reactivity. As a matter of fact, it takes great awareness to not react and be present in the moment. Completely the reverse from the way it was when we arrived. We have shifted from a possibility machine to a reaction machine. We have lost choice.
Consider that our current life and our current world is a product of our reactive patterns, so when in awareness we step out of these reactive patterns, we are left with pure openness, pure possibility ... and this is the place where miracles can unfold and positive change will show up for us and our planet.
If we desire to awaken and transform ourself and by extension our world, our job in life, in every moment, is to be aware enough so that we notice our reaction machine being triggered and see the reaction as it begins. Then we can stop it - we have taken back choice. We can choose to be here in each moment fully, instead of being an unfolding reaction. And as we do, our lives change and by extension our world .
From now on pay attention and notice when you are reacting. As soon as you notice you are in an automatic reaction ... pause, and breathe, put your attention on your breath or any part of your body, to bring you into the present moment. Then choose to be with the moment unfolding, seeing it with eyes that are looking for the miracles and possibility.
Practice continuously and you will find yourself reacting less and experiencing greater possibility in all areas of your life. You will tranform into a space of Possibility, not only for yourself, but for the world.