Stuff not working? Mechanical issues? Communication breakdown? Technology acting up?
We ARE currently in another Mercury Retrograde. It will be ending on the 26th, it began on 02 of August. We have one more week. Mercury Retrograde loves to come around and mess things up four times a year.
Is it Mercury's retrograde messing things up? Or is it us attracting the messes because we expect them? We always get what we expect.
Remember that Mercury Retrograde is only in APPEARANCES. Mercury does not stop, doesn't move backward, it is only an ILLUSION. Complete with the interpretations we have added. BUT because SO MANY worry and fear during Mercury Retrograde, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The energy of all that worry and fear focus ATTRACTS the glitches and mishaps.
If EVERYONE thought nothing of Mercury Retrograde and no one sent out the alarms, we would likely not even notice any difference during the "illusion" of a Mercury retrograde.
Think of the enegy of Merc's "illusionary" retrograde as booster for you... an energy cup of java. Now what wonderful things are possible for you during this period of wonderful energy?
© Amy Flynn, All rights reserved. For reprint permission, please email amy(at) Feel free to excerpt as long as you link to the post.