The Shift is now. Not in the future, not in 2012, now. The Mayan calendar does not end on December 21, 2012, it ends this year on October 28, 2011. Now. All you have to do is open your eyes to see the Shift is unfolding everywhere. It's visible in the governments of countries collapsing, people taking back their power, banks closing, currencies floundering, countries bordering on default along with a definite increase in the volcanic activity, earthquake activity and weather abnormalities on the planet as the Earth goes through her own releasing of "old stored" energy as a planet does.
This is a very exciting spiral upward in evolution, our evolution, the planet's evolution, the solar system's evolution, the Cosmos' evolution; it is an evolution of Consciousness which is what we are. On our planet, it is a Shift upward from 3rd/lower 4th dimensional frequency consciousness to 5th dimensional (and above) frequency consciousness. There is however a caveat to this shift. We cannot take our "stuff" (beliefs, baggage, attachments that no longer serve) with us. They literally act as anchors to the 'old' frequencies preventing us from lightening up enough to "rise up" into the higher frequencies, much like a weight holds down a balloon. This is why so many people are going through such powerful cleansing periods now. People are losing things as well as people from their life and world. It's a "purification" process.
There are two ways that all of this activity can be viewed; as exciting or fear producing. This is a choice you have to make over and over in each moment. It is never done. You don't choose once and that is it. Every moment is going to present you with another opportunity to choose. You must be vigilant for the higher frequencies; for the excitement, eagerness, joy, gratitude. Those who are able to feel the excitement and joy over the Shift will find they have a much more comfortable time transitioning through it in their life. With your choice of excitement will be a raising up of your vibrational frequency naturally. You cannot feel high frequency emotions and remain in a lower vibrational frequency. You will rise up like a great helium balloon over the chaos to where the winds are calm and you can focus on being a radiant beacon of Love beaming to the world.
Imagine the good you can do grounded in peace and love at this time? And as you move up into the higher frequencies of the high 4th and 5th dimension, future/past seem to vanish and you only experience now. A sense of linear time is no longer present. Joyfully you will notice that manifestation no longer has a buffer of time; it's nearly instant.
In actuality this is truly an exciting time, the "OLD" (fear/domination/control/deception/war) energy and constructs are being dissolved to make way for the "NEW" which is a heart based, peaceful, inclusive, all embracing way of Being. The shift is TRULY a shift from FEAR to LOVE. The more you can BE Love and live as a Being with Love pouring out of your heart, the more you will think with the heart and leave the mind out of it (ego too) and the easier life will flow. You'll discover you will feel more JOYOUS, PEACEFUL and AMAZING and more miracles will be filling your every moment! I guarantee it.
Right now, in this moment, the most beneficial actions you can take are to connect with your body 100% through your breath. Be conscious of the in-breath and out-breath, aware of it as you go through your day. Right now and throughout your day bring your attention to your heart area, feel the energy center there, allow yourself to feel it full of Love and gratitude for everything in that moment. Focus and see in your minds eye a glowing heart center with circles of love radiating outward much like the circles radiate outward around a pebble tossed into water. Feel this Love radiating outward, feel how rich and wonderful you feel as Love pours out of you. Make it a practice to do this throughout your day. You don't have to meditate to do this and as you become practiced, you'll be able to connect with your breath and heart center no matter where you are or how many people are around you.
© Amy Flynn, All rights reserved. For reprint permission, please email amy(at)allabout-energy.com. Feel free to excerpt as long as you link to the post.