It is always important to access and hold the Source vibration, at our core, Source is what we are. We are an extension of Source Energy, Source Consciousness. We are here playing the game of being Human, a game in which we forget who we are and that all the 'things' around us are part of us and we don't experience the 'others' who move in and out of our lives as us either. Therefore we can experience the game world as a very frightening place. And throughout our history we have.
Now.. the game is changing and the game world is readying itself. On the way from the old game world to the new, things are getting a bit chaotic making it more important than ever to be able to access and ground ourselves in the vibration of Source. New higher forms of order and structure always require the breaking apart of the old structures to make room for the new. In chaos theory, chaos refers to an apparent lack of order in a system that nevertheless obeys particular laws or rules. Chaos is not disorder but a higher order of the universe.
Therefore chaos is actually an essential part of change, especially the type of change that is a movement upward, to a higher level of energetic organization. Chaos is actually a good thing!
Chaos actually lets us know that all is well and unfolding as it should be. Unfortunately we are usually not feeling and experiencing that "all is well" when the world seems to be falling apart. When the weather patterns are all amuck and nothing is as it was in the world - we are not usually in the space of joy and celebration. This is when accessing and living from the Source vibration is so important and changes everything. Source is the vibration of well-being, of love, of appreciation - in Source all IS well and all IS appreciated. Wouldn't that be wonderful to 'skip right over' the fear, the anxiety, the worry, the 'freak out' and be in wonderful well-being Source vibration in the midst of chaos?
We can, all we need to do is to learn and anchor a repeatable route for accessing the Source vibration within ourselves. It's slightly different for each one of us because we are each a slightly different expression of Source (known as individuation and is what makes us uniquely us). Once we learn this route, we can anchor the feeling of it and the feelings that are the pathway to getting us there within us. It sounds simple, and it is. It is only our "belief" in the separate game world we forgot is us, that makes it challenging and not something that just happens. Our 5 senses will always inform us of things 'out there' based upon the belief in the game world. Accessing the Source vibration is very much a feeling journey (beyond the 5 senses) and needs to be a feeling memory within your cells. You will then be able to return to and remain in the Source vibration at will. Simple, yes, but it does take a bit of practice.
This Thursday (Oct 20) is a very special teleclass being led by Source Consciousness as received through me, I call this collective of Source energies, The Collective. (I know it's not the most original name, but it is the most descriptive!). They will share from their perspective what they see happening on the Earth now and in our lives. They will share with you why it is so important to BE grounded in the Source vibration now, at this time.
The Collective will share with you about the aspect of Source that you are. They will ground you in well being and show you (and allow you to experience) what 'fear' or 'anxiety' really is. Then they will lead you on the most profoundly beautiful altered state meditation to your root - to the Source that YOU are ... and you will BE Source for 30, 40 or more minutes. You will see what Source sees, feels what Source feels. You will recognize that Source is you, at your core. The Collective will then have you anchor all of it into your cellular memory so you can return to this state of being at will.
Imagine how much more freedom and choice you will have when you can be with what is in front of you, no matter what (or who) it is, anchored in well being, love and joy.
Imagine being empowered to meet everything that shows up with love and well being and even celebration! To read more about and register for this very special teleseminar - please CLICK HERE.
(The session will be fully recorded for all those with conflicts or timezones that don't work)
© Amy Flynn, All rights reserved. For reprint permission, please email amy(at) Feel free to excerpt as long as you link to the post.