Everything is Good!
Nothing is bad in the entire creation. There is a purpose for everything/everybody in this world. Good or bad of anything/anybody depends on how you use them, when & where. So, stop condemning anything, anybody in the world. Use your conscience to use things/people appropriately and everything will be OK in this world.
No Enemy Anywhere!
Enemies are your own creation. In fact there is nobody called enemy. Just change your enemy-mindset to friend-mindset and suddenly you will find all friends and no enemies in the world. It's time for the countries of the world to stop wasting money on defense; instead use that money for the welfare of all on earth planet and beyond.
Love will Prevail!
If you want to live a happy life in freedom, always live in love. Where there is love, there is no fear and the opposite is also true that where there is no love, there will be fear all around. You don't need Herculean muscles, daggers or guns to defend yourself from other people. The most potent weapon you need is love all.
True Worship of God!
Your duty is your worship. No need to go anywhere else to worship God because God is inside of you all the time; God is around you all the time; God is in everybody, everything all the time. So, worship God in everybody, everything dealing with all in the highest of love & respect; that's the true worship of God.
Cooperate not Compete!
Competition is all about false ego of establishing superiority of one upon others and this creates tension, stress and disharmony among people. In the new paradigm of human evolution what we have is cooperation among people as a holistic system for the collective progress of all, not dividing people as 'haves' and 'have-nots'. Human progress in all fields of activity will be much faster and better through cooperation rather than competition.
Intention Matters!
A knife in a surgeon's hand saves human life while the same knife in a murderer's hand will destroy human life. So, in every action, the most important factor is your intention behind it, not the act itself, that truly matters. You may give loan to someone with the intention of helping him/her to develop in life or to enslave/exploit him/her based on that loan when it became a debt. Thus, behind every seemingly good or bad external action, there are two hidden intentions: either good or bad. It's wise policy to choose the good because when you do actions with the intentions for the higher good, you will get the lasting benefits in terms of giving you lasting happiness.
- Excerpted from an article by Naoremgajendra Singh (Goodman Naorem) of Happy World Society