Received in 2008, it was not time to share this message until now. The capitalization and line breaks are as originally presented. Enjoy this message from "All That Is and Is Not". Do not try to understand it with your mind -- this is a message to hear with your heart.
I do not exist as an separate self -- I am an individuated expression of consciousness (Source, God, All that Is) and as such I create expressions of consciousness here in this 'material world' or illusionary expression expressed out of slower moving energy wave variations.
I express for expansion, fun and delight. all is good. all is always in balance. consciousness, the one; I Am is always is balanced,
So if an unwanted hit occurs in Hong Kong resulted in much experienced strife; somewhere a hit is strongly desired and being requested. all is perfect always. it's just that within this perfectly expressed illusion, one can't usually see the forest for the trees.
Nothing can end, nothing can begin, it is just transmuting and transforming...shifting its expression. there is no creation, there is no manifestation - all is created already, all is manifested already. it just shifts or transforms it's expression.
I as consciousness am always happy, so happy in fact - the expression is joyful. all is good. always.
There are no 'universal laws' because there is no universe. there is no where to get to or anything to attain, because all is already attained and already gotten to. always.
That is what is.
this is what is true .. unchanging... constant.
This is consciousness. this is what YOU are.
Nothing more
Nothing less
You are perfect, you are joyful, you are pure Love, you are pure energy, you are pure Light and you are everything that is. everything you "see" around you is you. including the earth, planets, solar system, stars, galaxies... guess who?
This is what is...
Now... there is what is perceived to be what is. the changeable.. the "untrue" yet perceived to be true and solid
The illusion you so masterfully expressed! a masterful expression!
and then forgot you did.
Why? what good would an illusion be if you could see through it and know that it was an illusion?
Not very convincing right?
Why? to experience other states of expression, other states of expression of beingness and other
feelings other than pure joy, pure energy and absolute love.
So you think you made a mess?
you did not.
All is perfect! remember always perfect!
this is exactly perfect! you can't mess up! ever!
And manifestation and creation are "mislabelings" of what you choose and EXPRESS.
Everything you experience is an expression of you and your ability to consciously express it. and how do you express? BY CONSCIOUS CHOICE!
(see there is a reason why visualization and imagination work... they are tools within THIS illusion to re-mind you to consciously re-choose your choices!)
The illusion (earth, your individuation, the next individuation and others, plant expressions, animal individuations) have been EXPRESSED BY YOU so that you can PLAY!
Remember... where you are now, you and everything you perceive is all a persistent illusion:
* there is only One. (wave to yourself.. you are everywhere)
* there is only Joy. (pain is joy, sorrow is joy, remorse, despair... all joy!) Everything is experienced
joyfully (as the One consciousness)
* there is only experience and there is no judgment of that experience. (everything is good, even
severe pain, disorder, mayhem as well as the beautiful, love, pleasure, tantalizing, pleasing)
* * these might be interesting to you....On the highest level - what is True, Unchanging:
-- there is no law of gravity (there is ONE entity, pure Energy of varying states...pure Light - no objects... where's the gravity?)
-- there is no law of attraction - there is only One. you already are One, how much more One can you be?
-- all there is, is transmuting shifting energies.. they do not exist in one state long enough for "laws" of behavior to apply. If you want to add in a "conscious observer with expected observations"... that is a different matter entirely. That is an expression of consciousness, just like you are. it is not what is true in the highest sense.
-- there are no universal laws of any kind... there is NO universe. Just one pure Love/Light/Energy formless consciousness. Awareness that always smiles.
All of these things, universal laws, including the Law of Attraction and Gravity are a part of the illusion you are now expressing and expressing through. they exist ONLY as agreed upon expressions to give the illusion certain qualities and cohesiveness. Remember... it is an illusion.
It is important that you ignore your "mind" in reading this (it can't grasp this)... your heart can (it retains the open channel to who you truly are and all that you are). read and hear with your heart and feelings. Ignore your emotions; they are not your feelings. feelings are vibratory in nature and emanate from the
heart, emotions are cerebral in origin and emanate from the "mind". What you think is your "mind" in the illusion, is just that.. illusion too. the seat of your "true mind or consciousness" is within your heart.
Now that you know (or at least have read about and are opening up to) who you REALLY and TRULY are, we can look at this illusion you created and how to best use and enjoy it!
© Amy Flynn, All rights reserved. For reprint permission, please email amy(at) Feel free to excerpt as long as you link to the post.