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Amy Flynn

Thank you so much Karen and Samantha! Karen your Mooie will have to come listen to one of my talks, they are very magical for dogs as well as humans! :-)

I'm so glad you are having fun playing with the audio Kate! Isn't it fun? It does say Ulysses in a cute way ... "U-leee-sees". LOL It's Odiogo.com which turns your blog posts into podcasts and downloadable mp3's! It's really cool and makes blogs accessible to those who are not able to read it. It also allows people to do other things (like workout) and listen to the blog!

Can't wait for the book! :-D

Karen Kay

My dear Kate,

If there is such a thing as deathlessness, your sweet Muki & Ule most definitely have found it. I love how you write about them and can't wait for your book! Thanks Amy for hosting ~ our Mooie is awesome... and so are you!

Kate Loving Shenk

I just listened to the audio at the top of the page. I love the way the voice says--Ulysses--How did you do this??

Samantha West

You are so right about the changes that happen with a regular practice like prayer...great gift to your /Spirit. delighted with your description of you and Ulysses after hearing conference. Love what Amy said ....agree 100 per cent. Amy Bought 3 copies of your book had so injured your interview with Kate....Loved your book

Amy Flynn

You're so welcome Kate! I can feel the kisses!! A bit sloppy there from the dogs, but full of such heart! The finish line looms large but you know what? The Virtual Book Tour will live on forever on everyone's blog! It will be on my blog main page for eons watching as you sell thousands and hundreds of thousands of books and become a bestselling author...and as you do this blog and I will applaud you!


Thank you so much, Amy! Mukunda and Ulysses and now Pearl are blowin kisses your way!! The Virtual Book Tour proceedeth towards the finish line!!! Lol.

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