Mercury only APPEARS to move backward to us, in fact, Mercury is not altering it's path at all. Humans have added a lot of interpretation and meaning to what is truly an illusion and created quite a lot of "noise" over nothing really. I can assure you Mercury does just fine during it's apparent retrograde and so can you.
According to astrologer Mark S. Husson:Mercury Retrogrades allow us to tune in more closely to our intuition, heighten our senses, and gain a larger overview of our lives. Rarely has there been a Mercury Retrograde that didn’t assist in uncovering mistakes that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. This opportunity for reappraisal may account for why so many successful businesses were launched during the retrograde cycle.
Let’s try thinking of the Mercury Retrograde period as a big contemplation cycle. Contemplation is how we connect to our higher mind—and disconnect from our daily distractions—in order to look at life from a broader perspective. Certainly decisions made while in such a state are bound to be supported. It’s a time of review, and an opportunity to enhance decisions that we’ve already made. What other time of our lives do we get not just two, but three chances to make something work? This is the best time to look at our relationships and speak what’s on our mind. Mercury embraces communication—it encourages it. It’s time to take charge of our life and learn to live it fearlessly. Let’s move to make the Mercury Retrograde our comrade in wisdom.
It's like anything.. what you focus on you get more of. What you expect, you get. What you expect manifests.! THIS is what creates the experiences of Mercury retrograde. It's your beliefs and expectations not the planet's motion! If you are likely focused on and aware of the retrograde, it's unlikely you can just forget about instantly so instead DECIDE that this period of Mercury (appearing to) be moving backwards will be one of ease, relaxation and good fortune for you!
© Amy Flynn, All rights reserved. For reprint permission, please email amy(at) Feel free to excerpt as long as you link to the post and give author credit..