We are an expression of Absolute Love and it is where we return when we transition out of form, to Absolute Love. While we reside here, in this body, in this life, we are still Absolute Love, although it is not as easily seen - but if you pay attention, it can be felt.
Love is not a concept or word - it is a force, an Energy. It is the energy that makes up All That Is. It is the actual building material of all things. It is an actual substance; in fact it is the only substance that truly exists, taking on the appearance of many forms. Many of us are stuck in conditioned thinking of Love as concept - a noun or a verb. This is not Love.
Love is also acceptance. It is acknowledging that All Things Are One. You cannot leave an experience permanently unless you exit with love and acceptance. That is why people tend to keep repeating the same types of experiences until the day they stop hating and fighting them and instead embrace them with love and forgiveness. This could be a money, health or relationship issue. It doesn't matter. You cannot leave a situation permanently until you exit it with love. You can't permanently get rid of what you hate or resist; you can only leave it or transform it through love.
Do you want to create something different in your life experience? Or in the world? Love is the answer. When we, as created Beings, create - we are essentially Loving something into Being. When we free something, we are essentially Loving it into freedom. You've heard it said that Attention equals Love? Consistent Attention placed is consistent Love placed. "Energy flows where Attention goes"... it all is the saying the same thing. A very direct route to the Love Energy vibration is the vibration of Profound Gratitude. It can deliver you quickly into an experience of Absolute Love that reverberates in your heart and radiates out into the world sharing that Love.
© Amy Flynn, All rights reserved. For reprint permission, please email amy(at)allabout-energy.com. Feel free to excerpt as long as you link to the post and give author credit.