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I quite like reading through a post that will make men and women think. Also, many thanks for permitting me to comment!

Amy Flynn

Hi Tracy, Always what you believe is senior to Mercury Retrograde. There is an energetic shift with Mercury Retrograde, but you can choose to allow all to be well. Many use Merc Retrograde as justification or excuse for things not working, but in reality it is their belief and the energy and vibration of their thinking that is attracting the mishaps into their experience.

Remember Mercury does not even really move backward, it is an illusion. Likewise the symptoms of Mercury Retrograde are an illusion too. Do you feed them and empower them by buying into the voiced concern about Merc Retrograde? Or do you ground yourself in your well being, your confidence and knowledge that all is well? If you chose the latter, you will be aligning with only those things that resonate with that energy, that view and experience of all working out and for your highest good too.

So whether your wedding venue agreement will be a problem is up to you. The experience lies in your heart and your emotion. Carry the energy of excitement, see yourself in the venue, the wedding unfolding and all happening without a glitch and it will unfold this way. Be tense, worried that it was Merc Retrograde and carry the energy of just waiting for the shoe to drop and it will, and hard.

The same goes for your wedding. Celebrate, make Mercury Retrograde your friend, be overjoyed and grateful knowing that you will have a very special friend with you at your wedding, the same one who helped you choose your wedding venue.

Hope this helps.. Write to me anytime by using the Contact me Link on the right side.

Tracy Norton

Hi Amy,

I realized that we signed the contract for our wedding venue during the start of Mercury in retrograde this year and that our date in fact rests on the start of it next year (June 8th).

I've been reading alot around not signing contracts and not having weddings that day, but when we saw the venue it just felt right.

What are your thoughts around these dates and activities and how I can best be prepared to have a successful wedding next June?

I am more of a believer in positive energy than anything, but of course any bride who believes in astrology might become nervous after reading all that's out there about these time periods. Your help is greatly appreciated.

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