For a very long time we here on planet Earth have used things to represent value in exchange for goods and services in our world. This is an old paradigm that does not serve the evolution of humanity. Instead of giving value to and placing power in some THING, like currency or gold, as a medium of exchange for goods and services, we need to empower ourselves by putting the value where it really exists, in ourselves. WE ourselves are the new world currency. Imagine that!
EACH of us is designed as a WHOLE, UNIQUE package. We each have UNIQUE abilities and skills and gifts that NO other being on the planet has, not exactly the the way we have them. Each one of us is an essential part of the whole. As each one of us discovers and connects with our Authentic Self and our TRUE value, that which we birthed into this life to bring to humanity – we begin to live it and express it in the world. Realize that no one can do what you can or bring what you can in the way you can – you as you have a unique value. YOU are the VALUE — not anything you hold. YOU. So as world economies slide and slip — YOUR value will always hold constant. Actually it will become MORE valuable. You will be able to offer what YOU uniquely can to the world — and those that have the things that YOU uniquely require will offer them to you. It is a circle — a circle of Life and it is based on HUMAN VALUE.
At this time each of us has the responsibility to awaken and discover our unique gifts, abilities and reason for being on the Earth here and now. Once we do —we become all the currency that we need in our life to live. Stepping into this new world successfully requires FULL Awakening, true SELF LOVE, fully Loving of all, living fully in the state of UNITY and BEing the energy of Love. Then you will vibrate as a pure 5th dimensional Being – and YOU will be all the currency you need to thrive in any situation. Isn't this wonderful to know?
As you awaken to express your unique gifts and bring your unique abilities into the world, you will energetically match up with those who want what you have to offer. However, if you are working at something only because you believe you should be working at it, or in a job purely because you believe you need to because you must make money — you are NOT living the expression that you birthed here to live. Your work is to discover and uncover the UNIQUE expression that you intended to live here and now in this life. Once discovered — you have something that is uniquely yours, uniquely valued, that only you can provide. And you will be wealthy beyond measure!
In Living as fully expressed Unique expressions, we will not harm the planet. We will have no need to. We will not feel compelled to rape and pillage another Being, whether human, animal, plant or planet. We will be content; complete in our wholeness and live JOYFULLY in harmony with All.
The above is not a goal you need hold for humanity or for others — it is a goal and mission within YOUR own heart and as YOU awaken and transform, you will see the World doing the same. THIS is how we arrive at Heaven on Earth. No other way!
Thanks, my dear Amy. Yes. I am unique. And I am U. And I am the whole. I AM. "I LOVE ME!" "I AM DIVINE!" <3 <3 Nomad1.
Posted by: wim | 2013.05.15 at 01:22 AM