Pull the covers over your head and stay in bed! Phew! Now you'll be safe.... Do nothing lest the evil ways of Mercury Retrograde get you.
Isn't it time to let go of all the blame being laid on this small fast moving planet moving around it's orbit quite innocently?
I don't ever blame Mercury Retrograde for anything anymore. It robs me of my power. It is a belief system that becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Isn't it time we stop giving our power away for 12-16 weeks a year?
The truth is Mercury doesn't move backward EVER. It only appears to move backward from our vantage point on Earth. One day some person DECIDED because he or she had a string of things not working out that coincided with this phenomenon, that Mercury Retrograde must be the cause. And because it is EASY and CONVENIENT to blame things outside of ourselves, everyone latched onto the idea. It became a collective belief system, equivalent to a superstition.
Nothing changes at all with Mercury, it is only due to our vantage point on Earth observing Mercury's small, tight orbit around the Sun that we perceive a backward movement. Mercury continues happily in it's orbit - unwavering and completely unaware of the havoc experienced in it's "backward" wake. Here you can see how Mercury's small orbit makes the planet "appear" to move backward to us on the Earth as it moves around the Sun in it's regular orbit.
Mercury Retrograde can actually be a time of power and opportunity, a time of increased success, increased insight, awareness and awakening. Many of the world's most successful businesses were started when Mercury was retrograde, with contracts signed and all. Mercury Retrograde gives us an opportunity to re-do and re-solve things we may not have done quite as we wished. There are a ton of "re-" opportunities with every Mercury Retrograde.
Ironically when we try to avoid experiencing things falling apart, that's exactly what we experience. The more we try to avoid breakdowns, the more we draw to ourselves problems and breakdowns! We've been trained that when we do, to point to the tiny planet closest to the Sun with blame.
So instead of giving in to the popular belief system, free yourself from the negativity around Mercury Retrograde and reclaim the 12-16 weeks of retrograde each year. Start to view Mercury Retrograde as an opportunity to see more clearly and experience new insight and wisdom. Be spontaneous during Mercury Retrograde (instead of cautious) because you'll have plenty of opportunity to "re-"visit, "re-"evaluate and "re-"do!
Let's enjoy and celebrate the opportunities that this special time brings instead of tiptoeing around and avoiding. Who knows, you may just be inspired to start the next Fortune 500 company!
© Amy Flynn, All rights reserved. Feel free to excerpt as long as you link to the post and give author credit.