About Amy
Amy Flynn, The Business and People Healer, is a transformational teacher and coach, Money Reiki Healing Grand Master, channeler, energy healer, medium and intuitive. Guided by her very strong connection with Source and her powerful energy gifts, Amy guides her clients to blast through lifelong blocks to create major shifts and breakthroughs, often in just one session!
Like all babies, Amy was born fully connected to and experiencing Source Energy and Consciousness. Amy's path diverged from most when she never lost that connection and remained highly intuitive and tuned into the world of energy and the non-physical. Amy was so attracted to the nonphysical world because she could experience what she called the "Beings in the air" around her. While her day to day experience demonstrated the conditional nature of physical human love, she knew the "air" was filled with an amazing unconditional love because she felt it!
Amy naturally accessed 'wisdom' from nonphysical consciousness and from prior lifetimes, recalling many prior lives in detail. She channeled, received and communicated with nonphysical as easily as she did with those who were physical but had no idea that everyone else didn't do the same thing. One of Amy's most fond childhood memories is of swinging on the backyard swings and feeling an awesome love force wrapping around her like millions of hugs. It was a love beyond anything experienced in the physical world! Unfortunately the adults in her life didn't appreciate her sharing the powerful wisdom that she tapped into from the nonphysical. So she learned to keep the experiences and insights to herself.
As Amy entered her teens and naturally became more interested in fitting in, she stopped focusing so much on the nonphysical world. However, it never stopped focusing on her as Source always does. As a natural medium, she was reminded often of the nonphysical world as nonphysical entities made themselves visible to her from time to time as if to say, "we're here, don't forget!"
Everything changed when at 20, Amy's life was literally saved by nonphysical Source. While returning to her dorm while in college, she was knocked to the ground and held at knife point by a man experiencing a psychotic episode. Her life was saved when loving Source flowed through, temporarily displacing Amy's consciousness, to interact with the attacker and fully calm him down. Amy had no recollection of what transpired, all she recalled was the power, beauty and infinite love of this awesome energy force that she was one with! It was the most amazingly profound experience and she knew that she had to find a way for everyone to experience this energy, love and power! It became her passion to discover a way of enabling a connection to Source that everyone could access and awakening others to this infinite, abundant, powerful and all knowing aspect of themselves remains Amy's mission to this day!
Today Amy Flynn is a Facilitator of Consciousness, Change and Transformation. She embodies a loving energy and spreads instant joy through channeling her connection to higher Source that can be felt in the loving energy she radiates. Known as a business and people healer, Amy quickly shifts people into a higher vibration of love to move and awaken them to remembering who they really are.
Amy acts as the voice channel for an expression of nonphysical Source Consciousness known as "The Collective" who lovingly transform all they teach and interact with. The Collective are multidimensional Source Guides that Amy considers the "larger non-physical aspect of herself". Amy has been channeling and connecting with The Collective since childhood and only recently gave them the name of "The Collective" since referring to them as "my larger part" was a bit of a mouthful! The Collective are infinitely wise, loving, always joyful and along with Amy, absolutely committed to everyone's expansion and evolutionary growth. The Collective are wonderful loving teachers and guides and terrible cooks!
Amy, along with The Collective, is the creator of many powerful programs, including the paradigm shifting Call of Your Being© Series and From Chained to Freedom, "meditations that work" including the Money Reiki and Receiving Energy Alignment Meditations, Ideal Body Energy Alignment Meditation and the Instant Joy Process. Amy publishes the inspirational ezine "Energy Currents" and appears regularly on radio shows, Telesummits and as a teacher on the Global Teleclass platform uplifting and transforming audiences worldwide.
ABOUT The Collective
The Collective are multidimensional Consciousness that Amy considers the "larger aspect of herself" and her non-physical guides. Amy has been channeling and connecting with The Collective since childhood. It was only recently that she gave them the name of The Collective since she found referring to them as "my larger part" a bit cumbersome. The Collective are many and express as a group, referring to themselves as 'we'.
The Collective are infinitely wise, loving, always joyful, and absolutely committed to everyone's expansion and evolutionary growth. Amy also discovered quite by accident that they love to cook! They find it quite a joyful and fun process! Amy discovered this by chance when one day while channeling and cooking The Collective gleefully took over the food preparation. Amy returned after they had "cooked" to find they had great fun, created quite a mess and had created something that tasted well ... errr... awful! The Collective are wonderful teachers and guides and terrible cooks.
The Collective offer One on One consultations which are life altering and empowering for those who meet with them. The Collective also teach a new teleseminar or teleclass, on a topic they feel is needed at the time, every month or every other month. You'll find current teleseminars and recordings of previous popular teleseminars at their website, TheCall ofYourBeing.com
Wealth ~ Abundance ~Joy NOW! inspirational blog at: http://allabout-energy.com
Wealth and Success coaching, meditations, programs and tools at: http://WealthAbundanceJoyNOW.com
Money Reiki Healing Programs and Tools including the popular monthly 5D Multidimensional Money Reiki Healing Session http://MoneyReikiHealing.com
The home of The Collective and their programs at: http://www.TheCallofYourBeing.com