Today the Sun and the Moon are in Taurus delivering a nice dose of earthy energy for us to relax and ground ourselves in. Treat yourself well, take good care of yourself, love yourself, take it easy and sink into this earthy energy ... because tomorrow........
an amazing portal opens and some of the most powerful energy that we have experienced yet is coming through! This is VERY EXCITING!
This most incredible New Moon Solar Eclipse alignment which positions the Earth/Moon/Sun directly in alignment with our Milky Way galactic core and the central star Alcyone in the Pleiadian star system. It is expected that Earth dimension will commence an entire reboot of its operating system which includes our own bodily system. This is heralded to also be a solar system, galactic and universal shift and recalibration.
[Are you excited yet???]
This New Moon eclipse is setting into greater momentum a new expression of a unified male-female power that is fully aligned with the Divine Will and Love-Wisdom aspect of Mother Father God. With this comes healing and transformation at both a personal and global level including grand scale release of abusive control patterns, sexual dysfunctions, karmic patterning and negative imprints left from the mis-aligned expression of both male and female domination.
(from The Children of The Sun Foundation)
[Now I'm sure you are getting excited!! This is BIG!!]
Many indigenous cultures believe humans originated from the Pleiades star system. This day the Sun and Moon will be in an exact conjunction with the Pleiades, which means these three luminaries will be fused in time and space. This is said to open a portal of amazing power. In other words, the Earth and all its creatures are being lifted towards a more evolved state. We are upgrading our software! ..... That's a reboot, recalibration and UPShift!!
AND... because this is ALL happening on a NEW MOON. (May 20, 7:47pm EDT (NY) (23:47 GMT/UT) .. it's an AWESOME ABUNDANCE OPPORTUNITY!
Can you even begin to fathom how awesome this is? Speechless....
As many of you know, on the New Moon there is a time honored tradition of writing an Abundance Check to ask for what we want. We want to write our check within 48 hours of the New Moon. With all happening on the 20th, I recommend doing it then.
The most potent time to write your Abundance Check is within 8 hours AFTER the exact time of the New Moon.
The most potent times (thanks to Jan Spiller of for this info) for this New Moon to set intentions, make wishes and write your Abundance checks are: (All times Eastern US (NY) time zone)
- Sunday, May 20: 7:47 pm - midnight
- Monday, May 21: all day and night
- Tuesday, May 22: 12:01 am - 6:51 pm
Convert to your timezone at:
Here are the instructions on how to write your Abundance Check on this very potent New Moon-Annular Eclipse-Galactic Alignment day:
A New Moon is the time to ask for what we want and this moon is the perfect time. We do so by setting our intentions powerfully with an Abundance check. The MOST POTENT times to write your check are 8 hours AFTER the exact time of the New Moon. Writing an Abundance check on the New Moon is a time honored tradition. So lets bring on the Abundance, the Innovation and the Good Fortune!
Blank Abundance Checks are available for you to download and use here:
How to write your Abundance Check:
Within 24-36 hours of the New Moon, take a check from your check book or use one of the checks above.
►►Where it says Pay to," write your name. (Within 48 hours still works too)
►►In the little box on the same line where you would fill in a dollar amount write "Paid in full."
►►On the line underneath your name, where you would write out a dollar amount, write "Paid in full." [It works better if you don't add the squiggly line.]
►►Sign the check: "The Law of Abundance"
► Do not put a date on the check.
► Do not write a specific dollar amount in the check.
► It's perfectly ok to draw a check on a piece of paper if you don't have one. -- It works the same!
► I have provided two checks that can be used if you do not have one (links above)
►► Put it in a safe place and forget about it. Just hide it away and let it be. Then relax and welcome in the abundance!
To SUPERCHARGE your Abundance and reach your desired Abundance Goals FASTER ...
May's Multidimensional Money Reiki Healing channeling the energies of the Galactic Alignment , Annular Eclipse and New Moon, will be with potentially the most powerful surge of transforming energy in known history! Power up your intentions and be aligned with these EXQUISITELY POWERFUL energies on May 24. This session will channel incredibly high frequency energy! -> Join the May 24 session:: ====================================================
© Amy Flynn, All rights reserved. For reprint permission, please email amy(at) Feel free to excerpt as long as you link to the post.