Yesterday was 12-12-12. The final triple date gateway for 100 years. Yes, we are done with them for now. And this was the MOST powerful of them all.
So what gifts did 12-12-12 bring us? For one, VERY high frequency, Light filled powerful energy. Most people noticed that they felt different on 12-12 and maybe a bit more tired than usual After all, assimiliating all that high frequency energy does change our energy. We were all changed on 12-12-12. Subtly and not so subtly. We will get to see in the coming weeks how much and how we were changed.
Between 12-12-12 and 12-21-12 the energy is going to RAMP UP within us, changing us internally. The internal energy changes are the focus of these next 9 days. Our frequency is going to be raised, our capacity to hold Light is going to increase and WE are going to change. It is important that we focus on Love, Gratitude, Positive change, Unity and Cooperation during these 9 days. Live from Love The Collective* say.
After 12-21-12, the energy will continue to RAMP UP but now the changes will be external in our world. The energy is focused in all the grids, the Earth, the ionosphere and all the "things" we call culture and institutions. HOW this energy expresses will be a mirror of the shift we have made within. We all know that the outer world mirrors the inner, right? So the changes and shift we collectively bring forth during the 9 days between 12-12 and 12-21 will be what we see showing in the world after 12-21-12. Obviously we want to see expressions of Love, Gratitude, Positive change, Unity and Cooperation in our outer world.
Clearly we have an important choice in every minute the powerful energy is streaming through us, changing us in these next 9 days. Living from Love is choice we need to make every minute. No matter how others act toward us, no matter how hectic the holidays get, no matter whether things are going not the way we like - Live from Love. Just BE Love and we will be very pleased with the manifestations we see in our outer world after 12-21-12.
As within, so without. 2013 is going to be AMAZING! In so many ways.
Today 12-13-12, is the final New Moon of 2012, and it is in Sagittarius. Sagittarian energy is all about releasing! So we have another boost to release that which no longer serves who we are becoming. When things come up, especially old stuff, your mantra needs to be "Let it go" and release ... and you will benefit greatly from this New Moon.
New Moons are traditionally a time to plant seeds for what we want to receive and experience. THIS New Moon is powered by the 12-12-12 gateway energy. There is POWERFUL potential here. Abundance Checks are tool that have long been used to "ask" or "intend" with. So today, write one. But after 4:45pm Eastern time. Read this email article for HOW to write an Abundance Check and the best time this month to do so. For more on this awesome New Moon and to receive two checks (How lovely I am gifting you with blank checks! Abundance!!) Go HERE to read the article and get your checks:
A Special Energy and Light Alignment with ALL the December Energies and the Energies of early 2013:
On December 27 I am doing a special Multidimensional Energy Healing. It will align you with ALL the energies of December, 12-3-12, 12-12-12 and 12-21-12 and all the lesser alignments and portals that are present this month. There is a new energy gateway opening this month almost daily. This powerful 5-9th dimension healing will set you energetically to enter 2013 aligned with prosperity, money flow, Love, Joy, Peace and Unity.
It will also activate and brighten your Pineal center. It is called a Multidimensional Money Reiki Healing, but it does SO much more than align you with prosperity and money flow. It is awesome! It also includes a "Booster" a few weeks afterward the primary healing session to boost your energy alignment, clear and balance your energy. And it is a only $25. You can be register for this healing and Light Alignment HERE:
* The Collective are Source Consciousness as channeled through me, Amy Flynn. They are very loving, wise and awesome! I'm not saying that because I channel them -- all who experience them say it too! Their home on the web is Visit them, feel their loving energy, receive their wisdom.
© Amy Flynn, All rights reserved. For reprint permission, please email amy (at) You may excerpt as long as you link to the original post.