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incredibly powerful
I like the meditation... I used it again last night. I like the voice. It is soothing (I often fall asleep and re-listen to it)
I recently 'asked' for help with my webpage to create a video clip--someone witht this know-how. I have been looking and physically asking around for a while and yesterday, voila, out of the blue, got an email from a friend telling me she has someone who would be interested.
They are 'small' things that have shown up--but they are many.
There is more if you like. But these are main things I've been 'stuck' in for quite a while. |
Align with the energy vibration of Money and Turn on your Money Flow
Money Reiki Healing Energy Meditation
Old beliefs you may have held around money are transcended and fall away as you listen!
Since listening to the meditation the first time...and receiving the energy through the audio and then the included Money Reiki Healing session, I can't believe the transformation my business is taking.
Enhance Self Love &
Energize A New Body ImageIdeal Body Energy Healing Meditation
Align Your Vibration With The Body You Desire!
Align Your Vibration With A Thinner & Fitter You!
A Younger You!
Thank you for a truly life altering experience during which I have re-claimed my proper body image. I can also go back and re-enforce the healing at my leisure.
Your personal devotion, determination and commitment to me as a whole and perfect being with a beautiful and perfect body has made the ultimate difference for me. Your loving projection and unshakable conviction has carried me over the hump. I often felt that the energy you have generated for us was so strong that it was literally out of this world and I was very profoundly aware of shifts on the cellular level. What I knew intellectually all along is now irrevocably in me as my "new" reality; I ADORE AND THOROUGHLY ENJOY MY PERFECT BODY!!! Now is the morning after and I know and feel a huge difference. The voice of the self-sabotaging mind chatter is much more faint and has no longer power over me. Thank you again!!! For More Info and to purchase CLICK: |
One on One Breakthrough Immersion Sessions
Amplify Your Success!
Quantum Leap Your Happiness!
A limiting belief in my life surfaced that was so strong and so powerful that I doubted I could overcome it. I was plunged into a deep depression as scenes from my life flashed before my eyes.
No, I HAD to believe that it was possible to change--for me, and for everyone else. But how? This belief was so strong and deep rooted, I saw it as a thick black tar that was permeating my spirit and my life. How do I remove something so sticky that has been accumulating for so many years?
Just then, I received your email with the title, "Are You In Prison?" In it you described how limiting beliefs keep us back from achieving all we are capable of. I knew immediately that you would be able to help me, but never dreamed how deeply transforming the session would be.
I was shocked to learn that you believed I could be completely healed in one 90 minute session. She just doesn't "get it," I thought. She doesn't understand how profound this belief is--how deep, how dark, how oppressive. I was shocked to hang up the phone and discover that we had talking for three hours!!! You weren't kidding when you said you would stay with me until you felt the issue was resolved. I could have been in theraphy for YEARS without resolving anything. It seems almost magical that one night could completely clear it up--simply by shedding light on something I had been keeping in the dark. I will admit that it felt strange to be looking back at my childhood at a time I don't actually remember. You started by asking me about when I was three, and since I don't remember when I was three, I felt like I was making it up--bringing to life pictures from a photo album. But even so, what it reaveled to me was profound. We didn't actually talk about this, because we soon moved on to more relevant memories and topics, but let me share with you some insights I received from that first "visit."
I went outside and they were laughing and playing, and I just sat on the sidelines watching and wanting so badly to play with them, but feeling like I couldn't. You kept asking me why I wasn't playing with them--did they say you couldn't? No, I said, I just feel like I can't--but I want to so badly. They're having so much fun. I want to, but I can't.
Amy, I didn't tell you this before, but this vision was a profoundly moving and insightful experience for me. It reflected exactly what I was feeling at that moment in my life: I am a strong and independent woman. I do what I want without having to ask permission of anyone. I see people all around me who are having fun, living the life of their dreams, swimming in money--and yet something is holding me back. My desire is so strong, but for some reason I feel like I can't join in, even though no one has told me that I can't.
As we progressed through the session, I was really amazed at your technique of soaking up past emotion--how, when we would stop at something good, you would say, "OK, freeze" and then stop and tell me to just soak up the love or the joy or the excitement of whatever I was feeling at that moment. And if we came across something bad, you would have me "rewrite" the ending--replace it with the ending I wanted, and then soak up that "replacement" feeling. It was so powerful, and I realized that both were techniques I could use on my own whenever I was feeling good or bad about something I happen to remember: Just freeze and soak it up.
Of course, we eventually did get to the core issue. We came across an experience that happened when I eight years old--a time when my mother yelled at one of my classmates and made her cry. Though I remembered the event clearly, I never really thought that it was all that significant in my life. But you asked me a profound and piercing question. "What DECISIONS has little 8-year old Margie made about herself? What does she believe at this moment?"
Instantly, I knew the answer. It was something I hadn't thought for over 30 years, but indeed used to plague me: "People always get hurt around me," I said. Later in the session, this theme would repeat itself: "People always get hurt around me." When the regression portion of our session was over, you asked me, "Margie, can you see how the hurt people experienced in these situations was a result of their own actions?" Yes, I said. "And can you see how having an underlying belief that people always get hurt around you would cause you to send a beacon out to the world--'Stay away, stay away'?" Yes. "And can you see that people in your life have just been responding to that signal?" Oh, yes! "Margie," you said, "I want you to think of two people that you have inspired and empowered just by being a part of their life"... "Margie, can you see how your presence in these people's lives is actually a GIFT?" Oh, YES! It was a powerful realization. Impossible to write in this email. It has absolutely transformed my life. Amy, you are such a blessing in my life and to everyone on this planet who has the good fortune to know you and be touched by your connection to the profound truths you see so clearly. Your fees are ridiculously too low--I would have paid ten times what I did to achieve this inner peace, guidance, and direction. You were right. In one night we were able not only to completely eradicate what was holding me back in my life, but to provide me with renewed energy, clarity, and purpose. Since our session, my life has been miraculous. I view every person I meet as an opportunity to present a beautiful gift of joy and love. People are starting conversations with me--wanting to meet me and get to know me. Suddenly my inbox is filled with leads for my business. Goals that I have "said" I wanted to achieve for years (for example, remodeling my house) are actually starting to materialize around me. I feel great about my body and am starting to lose this stubborn weight. All because YOU are plugged in to the infinite wisdom and provide a conduit for anyone who reaches out for your help. Thank you thank you thank you. You are a blessing, a joy, and an inspiration. I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o) To learn more and see if an Immersion Session is right for you, CLICK:
Multidimensional Monthly Money Reiki Healing
Super powerful, life changing, money flow shifting, abundance manifesting, multidimensional Monthly Healing Session.
Generates states of high vibration, peace, bliss, 3rd eye activation AND aligns you with the current high frequency energy of the Shift.
Give yourself the gift of this affordable life changing healing!
TO learn more, read lots of testimonials and register for THIS month's Multidimensional Money Reiki Healing Session
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your continued expansion, Spiritual connection, prosperity, business success and empowerment
in the money flow in your life!