Forgiveness of Self
"Thank you so very much for your love, and giving so much of yourself, to all of us on the call..."
"You have set in motion for me a whole new opened path..."
"The call was really powerful and shifted a huge chunk of unforgiveness...."What haven't you forgiven yourself for?
Forgive Yourself and Awaken into Self-Love and Self Confidence!
Self Forgiveness is an expression of authentic Self-Love.
Self Forgiveness is one of the most, significant things you can do to free yourself and propel forward in your Life journey.You cannot truly thrive without forgiveness ... and unfortunately in our "focus on the external" world self forgiveness is most often overlooked.
Without self forgiveness, self love can not be true and self esteem is low and self confidence is hollow.
Without self esteem and self-love, we cannot create the life we truly deserve or receive the abundance and success we desire.
Self Forgiveness is vital for each one of us right now as we allow the new energies flowing through us and the planet to bring us into alignment with our highest and truest Self.
Forgiving one's self opens the channels for us to receive our heart's deepest desires.
Forgiveness of one's self clears the path and tell's the Universe that you are ready, arms open for all that you want to experience to come to you. You are worthy, you are ready.Forgiveness of one's self is a profound expression of self love!When you are able to allow yourself to love yourself in this way, you open up to receive love from all dimensions into your experience. This shows up as all of your relationships flourishing and The Universe showering you with Abundance from all directions.
This is an AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL recording.
It is filled with releasing tears, recognition, clearing, breakthroughs and miracles. You will be swept up as if carried by a magical current. As you listen you will experience your own releasing, forgiveness and recognition of self love. Effortlessly.
As a bonus, while you are listening and participating with the recording, you are also receiving a beautiful and powerful stream of high frequency energy which is clearing and balancing your energy allowing you to feel a deep and profound self love, maybe for the first time ever.
This recording will open up a new relationship with yourself and allow for a new way of being with yourself that was not possible before.You must experience this beautiful journey of forgiveness for yourself. It is life changing!What Are You Willing to Forgive Yourself For What You Haven't Yet? It is NOW time.
The Forgiveness of Self Program Includes Two Recordings:** The Full Recording of The Forgiveness of Self call (1 hr-22min) containing:
- Powerful Sharing and Forgiving of Self by all
- Talk on Self Forgiveness and the Human Condition
- Forgiveness of Self Special Process (with The Collective)
** The Forgiveness of Self Special Process recording
isolated in a separate mp3
Listen over and over to release and forgive more deeply each time!
FACT: All forgiveness begins with self forgiveness.
The Self Forgiveness recording opened the door for me to discover all the unforgiveness within me. I’ve done a lot of work with forgiveness but there was so much I couldn’t access before. I began with the question on your page about the call:
“What am I willing to forgive myself for that I haven’t done yet?”
The answer appeared instantly! Then all the unforgiveness appeared one after another, big things, little things, things that didn’t make sense or had been long forgotten.
I’ve been asking for help with opening my heart and seeing what’s there and last night it all showed up. My heart felt like the emotional equivalent of a heart attack, but this was deeper. Tears flowed off and on. I kept giving myself permission to cry because that’s something that I shut down as a child. Through this process, my core beliefs surfaced and I found the root of so many beliefs that I used to think were sourced in separate events.
You will ReceiveTwo Recordings:** The Full Recording of The Forgiveness of Self call (1 hr-22min) containing:
- Powerful Sharing and Forgiving of Self by all
- Talk on Self Forgiveness and the Human Condition
- Forgiveness of Self Special Process (with The Collective)
** The Forgiveness of Self Special Process recording
isolated in a separate mp3
Listen over and over to release and forgive more deeply each time!
Self Forgiveness and Receiving are intimately tied togetherIn order to receive the "new" that you desire, you must forgive yourselfand be grateful for what you have created so far.Then you must align with the energy of welcoming and receivingto allow the new goodness to flow to you.A VERY Special OFFER:
The Forgiveness of Self Recording
($68.88)Together with
The Receiving Energy Alignment
The two together will have a profound effect on your life.
This is AN AWESOME Value!The Receiving Energy Alignment MP3
and Forgiveness of Self recordings purchased separately
are: $113.32 ...
You save $32.21!
During the session I felt tingly and a huge sense of potential. Following the session some concerns that had been simmering away under the surface became clear and even more exciting, it became very obvious me to me how to act to change them at the foundation level. I've been feeling freer and happier since taking action from a place of love, not fear. Thank you.~Alena R * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ *
When i was 13, my brother told me that his friend had asked him "if the whore was home". That night he molested me. I long since forgave him and myself and changed that energy. Actually I went back in time and changed the entire outcome of that experience. What I had not realized was that i had internalized what had been said until the Forgiveness of Self call with you. I had not understood where the energy of " not deserving " came from and when you asked me if i knew where that came from, it came up very strongly the words that his friend had come out with. I feel very much that that has now been cleared and shifted. There is now only the energy of " deserving " in my four bodies.
Thank you very much!~ Mette C.~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~ *
Thank you for the beautiful meditation process and the discussion about forgiveness. I have released a lot of negativity and fear and continue to keep letting it go until it is all gone.~ K.M.
ForgiveYourself Now with these SUPER Powerful recordings!
© Amy Flynn and The Collective