Meet Your Money Being!
What Would be Possible If You had a
Love Affair with Money?
A Paradigm Shift in How You
Look at, Experience, Receive
and Be With Money!
Everything, without exception is Consciousness.
Like you, Money is Living Conscious Energy
How have you been treating this aspect of consciousness?
You'll be shocked when you discover the unspoken
messages you've been sending to your Money Being!
No WONDER Money doesn't want to come to play
and hang around with you!
Let's Meet 'Money' So You Can Experience Money as a Joyful Expression of Love!
As you hold the Love vibration and act with Love
your vibration is calling Money to you!
Activate and accelerate your Money Attractiveness by seeing money as a joyful expression of loving appreciation.
Remove the anxiety and tension around money and replace it with effortless ease, joyful delight and play which act as a magnet pulling Money to you.
Know what will make Money desire to be with you - learn what you are doing (thinking and saying) to keep Money away and change that behavior with the Guided Process.
You will never feel "short" of money again because you will understand and know where Money comes from and what it is and what will make it want to be with you.
Remember how wonderful you felt when you were doing something special for someone to let them know you appreciate and love them?
Remember how wonderfully excited you felt as you headed off to deliver their special gift to them? Your heart is full and you are charged up with excited joyful energy.
Now Imagine if you MAGICALLY felt this same way
every time you spent money!
What could be possible?
It’s time to get rid of all the negativity surrounding money and embrace money
for what it is -- Love.
Thank you and the Collective soo much for the teleseminar to meet my Money Being. I found it very difficult to explain how I felt afterwards, but after reflecting on felt exactly like when I first fell in love!! An incredible warm, glowing feeling..even the increased heart rate like when you see someone you are totally in love with.
I was experiencing challenge after challenge in my life...thanks to the money reiki healings and now meeting my "Money Being" I am LEAPING over all of them. I sold my home, and then had 60 days to find a place to live, and after the seminar, I found the perfect place at the perfect price in exactly the location I was looking for. Now if I meet a new challenge I remember to SMILE...because I KNOW that I can manifest ANYTHING that I need into my life!! I am looking forward to this months Money Reiki Healing - I can't wait to see what will be coming next!! Thank You (and the Collective) SO much.
~Joanne Hofstetter ~
The call was amazing. YOU ARE AMAZING.
It opened up such a new perspective about ‘money’ as a conscious friend for me. I will work on that image and have friendly conversations with money as if it is one of my best friends. I am so appreciative of you! And so from the depth of my heart and soul want to share the abundance that came my way even before we had the call on Wednesday evening. Let's keep the flow going.
~ Maria H.
Thank you so much for last nights session. I had never thought of money as a living entity before. WOW how that changed my entire perspective of money. It is really true what you said . Money really came alive for me. My money man just stood there looking at me with the most incredible love and he kept saying " I just want to be with you" When I asked him what he wanted, that is all he kept on repeating. I found myself walking around him, checking him out and then it hit me. I did not trust him. I had projected on to the money all the foul things people had done in the name of money. Now when I think of money my money man comes to me and all I feel is a beautiful love from him and from me. Now I see how as a whole we have shunned and pushed money away from ourselves with all the thoughts and feelings the collective have projected onto money. Thank you Amy for your incredible Service. |
In this powerful session you will be guided to:
Transform the way you Perceive and Experience Money from something separate from you to something that is an extension of the Love that lives within your heart.
Shift your Money Paradigm through a BEAUTIFUL PROCESS led by The Collective to shift the inner feelings, the in-body feelings, that you experience when you exchange money for something.
Meet your 'Money Being' to create the experience of love and joy in one of your most significant relationships in your life. One that you don't even realize that you have!
Raise your vibration around Money ensuring that we will ensure you always have an abundance of Money to give and use as an EXPRESSION of your LOVE.
Break the cycle of ‘noticing’ how much Money you have or don’t have and the constant monitoring of it. This actually keeps Money away!
Get rid of that uncomfortable *tense feeling* inside when speaking about, thinking about receiving, having or exchanging Money.
Two powerful life changing Recordings!
Amazing Experiences!
Big Results!
Come and meet YOUR Money Being!
Recording 1- Teaching by The Collective, Powerful Sharing, Insights and
the 'Meet Your Money Being' Process
Recording 2 - Additional Post Process sharing revealing more insights
An Amazing Experience with Priceless Results!
Loving Exchange = $69.99
money love money gratitude money love money appreciation